We all have better dreams for our children as much as they have for themselves, but are we leaving a better world for them to fulfill their dreams. How sure are we that the law is good enough to protect us and generations to come? Governments have over the years learnt over their mistakes whiles trying to protect its citizens. Many philosophies on how to govern a country has come to pass, the law making bodies have thought of and continue to make laws that protect us as humans and their efforts are applauded. However certain factors have always interfered in the dispensation of the law. Are we concern about how we treat people when they are not yet and yet convicted. Who will speak for the poor while he is being incriminated? In a civilized world as we have evolved into, race and gender inequality has still not found its solution.
 human being is dynamic and that makes it difficult to be handled. Nevertheless as much as possible we should do our best stand up against acts of wrongful accusations with the least clue we have. People will do anything to get away with the law especially when they are financially, socially and politically capable. This gives room for favoritism which is a big blow to justice. Favoritism works in such a way that we might not notice it. For instance if u were a judge an issue involving your good old friend came to you, you would not notice that the way you handled the case was in favor of your friend until you have really done it. In such cases I suggest that either redirect to case to a different person. What becomes more painful to me is when a religious or cultural practice cannot pass what I call “ the law test†what I mean by this is that, if a cultural practice was of any good for man then it should not tremble on the rights we have as humans. To inflict pain and terror and the worse killing innocent people (children and adults) by branding them as witches is a barbaric act and should be condemned. What are the religious or cultural practices u knows that tremble on the rights of humans and what have u done about it. I BELIEVE something has to be done and has to be done well.
The law finds it difficult to function well when it has to do with race. It’s good that strict measures have been put in place to abhor crimes with racial intent. How well do we put in our best when we are suppose to deal with someone of different race, are we objective enough? I believe the Government is not he only one responsible for justice. In fact we are the professors of justice ourselves. If only we will deal with people on individual basics rather than on general levels we will be doing ourselves good. It has even become more difficult to deal with racism as some researches have proven racism on the unconscious level and has assumed dimensions not noticed easily.
When the media will broadcast what they want for the public rather than what the public deserve then some racism is taking place. When a particular media house will want to show a bad side of one particular group of people than to show the other side, then some racism is being played.
If only we come to the understanding that our individual actions is significant to the collective conclusion of our actions. If only we can do away with nepotism, favoritism and the likes then we will make this world a better place to live. Remember to use your knowledge to better the life of the uneducated. Remember also that your goodwill action/s can go along way to bring about healing to the world. Never underestimate your capability. You deserve to be treated with respect, no matter the color of your skin, gender, location, intellectual ability or your deficiencies. I believe that if government does its part as well as we do, equilibrium will be achieved. Whenever we are face with things that will possibly impair justice, our response should always be that “we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankruptâ€
Joseph Abedi-Lartey