Dr. Martin Luther King Said, “I have a dream.” Those words have been repeated around the world again and again- in print, on radio and TV. Because he dared to both live for and die for that dream, his life made a difference. Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream was not only for himself but for others. He had a dream for an American society devoid of racial discrimination and social prejudice. Today, Black Americans live freely with their white brothers.
Dr. Nelson Mandela had a dream for his country, South Africa. He dreamt of a country where the political subjugation and inhuman apartheid policy would be truncated. He was imprisoned because of his dream for his people. He spent 27 lonely years in incarceration. But at the end of the day, his dream prevailed, and apartheid was dismantled.
Our forefathers had a dream for an independent Nigeria. They fought colonization with so much nationalistic zest. Many of them were prepared to pay the supreme price. Eventually, on October 1st, 1960, their dream gave birth to the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I can go on and on with a catalogue of great men that had great dreams that changed their generation and impacted their world.
The world is ruled by dreamers. Every advancement in human history was orchestrated and championed by a dream in the heart of one man. Dreamers foresee a better future for themselves and for society; they create the picture of a glorious destiny for their generation. Every dreamer in history changed their world
"Many of the greatest accomplishment in history have been done against impossible odds, because somebody dared to dream"
The urgent need to raise and nurture dreamers with a passion to change our nation gave birth to Voice of Change Network International, a non-governmental organization established to promote collective responsibility for national development, inspire individual passion, civic patriotism and commitment towards building the Nigeria of our dreams.
I have a dream of a new Nigeria, a nation where there would be freedom, equity and the spirit of enterprise; a nation that would be ranked amongst the top 20 developed economies in the world by the year 2030. I can see a society that will evolve selfless leadership with patriotic passion to re-invent this nation.
I have a dream of a country where there would be adequate provision of infrastructure and power supply for rapid industrial development. I have a dream that one day, Nigeria will be a corrupt-free society where her people will be law abiding and exhibit high sense of discipline in every facet of their lives. Then it would be a taboo to give or accept bribe. Our policemen and civil servants would no longer request for gratification before they discharge their duties. The time is coming when people will no longer dispose refuse indiscriminately, urinate and defecate anywhere. Our streets and cities would be clean.
I have a dream of a Nation where social miscreants “Area boys” will no longer infest our streets constituting nuisance; our youths would no longer use the internet to send scam (419) business proposal.
I have a dream that, every Nigerian, both home and abroad would be proud of our National colors. Nigerians in the diaspora would be glad to return home to rebuild our Nation. I see a future where our green National Passport would have respect and value. I can see Americans and Europeans applying for the Nigerian lottery Visa.” Asian and other African nationals would queue up in our embassies other to obtain our visa.
I have a dream that made-in Nigeria products would be exported to America, Europe and Asian countries.
I have a dream that one day, the problem of unemployment would be a thing of the past, because there would be enough industries to absorb our young graduates. Even then, our youth would take pride in becoming entrepreneurs, starting their small businesses. Poverty would be eradicated. There would be sufficiency of food for all Nigerians, because agriculture would be completely revamped.
Nigeria is going to evolve a political culture where elections will no longer be a do-or-die affair. Money bags would no longer dominate our political firmament, then true leaders will emerge with the heart to serve the people. This is my dream for my beloved country.
I believe this dream can be realized in this generation. We can make them happen. Remember, Nigeria is our only country, we don’t have another one. We can’t fold our hands and allow this decay in our nation to continue. We must rise up for a change in this country. Enough of pointing accusing fingers at our leaders; enough of criticism and attack on our political leaders. Though they have their faults, we equally have to accept some measure of responsibility in taking this nation out of the rot we have found ourselves.
Nigeria’s nation-building and development requires collective effort.The development of this nation does not lie in the hands of one single individual. It is our collective effort that will make Nigeria great. I am a firm believer that there is hope for this country; there is a greater tomorrow for Nigeria.
So, whatever corner God has put you in whether big or small position, please give it your best shot, be the best and if each one of us is the best in our little corner, then we will see the Nigeria of our dream come to light.
Let us join hands together as Nigerians to build a nation where peace and justice reign, for that is the only way that the labor of our heroes past would not have been in vain. It is my prayer that we will all see the Nigeria of our dreams come to pass.
I will strongly advised against bulk passing and losing faith in the nation owing to some of our developmental and political challenges. In spite of our challenges in this country, I want to encourage every Nigerian not to begin apportioning blames. We must realize that distractions come from looking around, discouragement comes from looking down, defeat comes from looking backwards, but deliverance comes when we lift up our eyes to the hills from whence comes our help, because our help comes from the lord the maker of the heavens and the earth.
The time has come for every one of us to rise up to begin to contribute our own quota to building the Nigeria of our dreams.
What is your dream for this Nation? What are you prepared to give or sacrifice to make Nigeria a better place? Nigeria needs you. You are an agent of change. There is something you carry that will impact this nation! Wake up! The time to do something is now!
We of the Voice of Change Network International, will not relent until, the dream for a new nation is realized, join this chariot now to champion the birth of a new Nigeria.
God bless Nigeria.
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