The 10 Most Educated Countries in the World

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Read Time:8 Minute, 34 Second

In the past 50 years, college graduation rates in developed countries have increased nearly 200%, according to Education at a Glance 2011, a recently published report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The report shows that while education has improved across the board, it has not improved evenly, with some countries enjoying much greater rates of educational attainment than others. Based on the report, 24/7 Wall St. identified the 10 developed countries with the most educated populations.

The countries with the most highly educated citizens are also some of the wealthiest in the world. The United States, Japan and Canada are on our list and also have among the largest GDPs. Norway and Australia, also featured, have the second and sixth-highest GDPs per capita, respectively. All these countries aggressively invest in education.

The countries that invest the most in education have the most-educated people. All of the best-educated countries, except for the UK, fall within the top 15 OECD countries for greatest spending on tertiary — that is, college or college-equivalent — spending as a percentage of GDP. The U.S. spends the second most and Canada spends the fourth most.

Interestingly, public expenditure on educational institutions relative to private spending by these countries is small compared with other countries in the OECD. While the majority of education is still funded with public money, eight of the countries on our list rely the least on public funding as a percentage of total education spending.

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The countries included here have had educated populations for a long time. While they have steadily increased the percentages of their populations with postsecondary educations, the increases are modest compared to developing countries. The U.S., Canada and Japan have had tertiary educational attainment above 30% since at least 1997. Poland, a recently developed country that is not on our list, had a tertiary educational rate of 10% in 1997. As of 2009, that rate had grown to 21%.

These are the 10 most educated countries in the world.

10. Finland
> Pct. population with postsecondary education: 37%
> Avg. annual growth rate (1999 – 2009): 1.8% (3rd lowest)
> GDP per capita: $36,585 (14th highest)
> Pop. change (2000 – 2009): 3.15% (10th lowest)

Finland is a small country relative to the other OECD members. The share of its adult population with some sort of postsecondary education, however, is rather large. This select group is reaching the end of its expansion. From 1999 to 2009, the number of college-educated adults increased only 1.8% annually — the third-smallest amount among all OECD countries. Finland is also one of only two countries, the other being Korea, in which the fields of social sciences, business and law are not the most popular among students. In Finland, new entrants are most likely to study engineering, manufacturing and construction.

9. Australia
> Pct. population with postsecondary education: 37%
> Avg. annual growth rate (1999 – 2009): 3.3% (11th lowest)
> GDP per capita: $40,719 (6th highest)
> Pop. change (2000 – 2009): 14.63% (3rd highest)

Australia’s population grew 14.63% between 2000 and 2009. This is the third-largest increase among OECD countries. Its tertiary-educated adult population is increasing at the much less impressive annual rate of 3.3%. Australia also spends the sixth-least amount in public funds on education as a percentage of all expenditures. The country also draws large numbers of international students.

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8. United Kingdom
> Pct. population with postsecondary education: 37%
> Avg. annual growth rate (1999 – 2009): 4.0% (9th highest)
> GDP per capita: $35,504 (16th highest)
> Pop. change (2000 – 2009): 3.47% (13th lowest)

Unlike most of the countries with the highest percentage of educated adults, the UK’s educated group increased measurably — more than 4% between 1999 and 2009. Its entire population only grew 3.5% between 2000 and 2009. One aspect that the UK does share with a number of other countries on this list is relatively low public expenditure on education institutions as a percentage of all educational spending. As of 2008, 69.5% of spending came from public sources — the fourth-smallest amount among OECD countries.

7. Norway
> Pct. population with postsecondary education: 37%
> Avg. annual growth rate (1999 – 2009): N/A
> GDP per capita: $56,617 (2nd highest)
> Pop. change (2000 – 2009): 7.52% (14th highest)

Norway has the third-greatest expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP, at 7.3%. Roughly 23% of that is spent on tertiary education. In Norway, more than 60% of all tertiary graduates were in a bachelor’s program, well more than the U.S., which is close to the OECD average of 45%. The country is one of the wealthiest in the world. GDP per capita is $56,617, second only to Luxembourg in the OECD.

6. South Korea
> Pct. population with postsecondary education: 39%
> Avg. annual growth rate (1999 – 2009): 5.3% (5th highest)
> GDP per capita: $29,101 (13th lowest)
> Pop. change (2000 – 2009): 3.70% (14th lowest)

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Korea is another standout country for its recent increase in the percentage of its population that has a tertiary education. Graduates increased 5.3% between 1999 and 2009, the fifth-highest among OECD countries. Like the UK, this rate is greater than the country’s recent population growth. Korea is also one of only two countries — the other being Finland — in which the most popular fields of study are not social sciences, business and law. In Korea, new students choose to study education, humanities and arts at the greatest rates. Only 59.6% of expenditures on educational institutions come from public funds — the second-lowest rate.

5. New Zealand
> Pct. population with postsecondary education: 40%
> Avg. annual growth rate (1999 – 2009): 3.5% (14th lowest)
> GDP per capita: $29,871 (14th lowest)
> Pop. change (2000 – 2009): 11.88% (8th largest)

New Zealand is not a particularly wealthy country. GDP per capita is less than $30,000, and is the 14th lowest in the OECD. However, 40% of the population engages in tertiary education, the fifth-highest rate in the world. The country actually has a rapidly growing population, increasing 11.88% between 2000 and 2009. This was the eighth-largest increase in the OECD. Part of the reason for the high rate of tertiary graduates is the high output from secondary schools. More than 90% of residents graduate from secondary school.

4. United States
> Pct. population with postsecondary education: 41%
> Avg. annual growth rate (1999 – 2009): 1.4% (the lowest)
> GDP per capita: $46,588 (4th highest)
> Pop. change (2000 – 2009): 8.68% (12th highest)

The U.S. experienced a fairly large growth in population from 2000 to 2009. During the period, the population increased 8.68% — the 12th highest among OECD countries. Meanwhile, the rate at which the share of the population with a tertiary education is growing has slowed to an annual rate of 1.4% — the lowest among the 34 OECD countries. Just 71% of funding for educational institutions in the country comes from public funds, placing the U.S. sixth-lowest in this measure. Among OECD countries, the largest share of adults with a tertiary education live in the United States — 25.8%.

3. Japan
> Pct. population with postsecondary education: 44%
> Avg. annual growth rate (1999 – 2009): 3.2% (10th lowest)
> GDP per capita: $33,751 (17th lowest)
> Pop. change (2000 – 2009): 0.46% (6th lowest)

In Japan, 44% of the adult population has some form of tertiary education. The U.S. by comparison has a rate of 41%. Japan’s population increased just 0.46% between 2000 and 2009, the sixth-slowest growth rate in the OECD, and the slowest among our list of 10. Japan is tied with Finland for the third-highest upper-secondary graduation rate in the world, at 95%. It has the third-highest tertiary graduation rate in the world, but only spends the equivalent of 1.5% of GDP on tertiary education — the 17th lowest rate in the OECD.

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2. Israel
> Pct. population with postsecondary education: 45%
> Avg. annual growth rate (1999 – 2009): N/A
> GDP per capita: $28,596 (12th lowest)
> Pop. change (2000 – 2009): 19.02% (the highest)

Although there is no data on the percentage of Israeli citizens with postsecondary education dating back to 1999, the numbers going back to 2002 show that growth is slowing dramatically compared to other countries. In fact, in 2006, 46% of adults ages 25 to 64 had a tertiary education. In 2007 this number fell to 44%. Only 78% of funds spent on educational institutions in Israel are public funds. The country is also only one of three — the other two being Ireland and Sweden — where expenditure on educational institutions as a proportion of GDP decreased from 2000 to 2008. Israel also had the largest increase in overall population, approximately 19% from 2000 to 2009.

1. Canada
> Pct. population with postsecondary education: 50%
> Avg. annual growth rate (1999 – 2009): 2.3% (5th lowest)
> GDP per capita: $39,070 (10th highest)
> Pop. change (2000 – 2009): 9.89% (10th highest)

In Canada, 50% of the adult population has completed tertiary education, easily the highest rate in the OECD. Each year, public and private expenditure on education amount to 2.5% of GDP, the fourth-highest rate in the world. Tertiary education spending accounts for 41% of total education spending in the country. In the U.S., the proportion is closer to 37%. In Israel, the rate is 22%. In Canada, nearly 25% of students have an immigrant background.

About Post Author

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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Going! Going! Gone! Nigerian Northern Elites and The Auctioning of Buhari

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Read Time:6 Minute, 26 Second

Auctioning is a process of disposal of tangible goods to the highest bidder at the time the auction cry is over. The highest bidder takes the goods except if a higher bid comes up before the bid is closed. I do remember with nostalgia my early years when after every annual harvest and thanksgiving church service the parishioners gathers for the bazaar sales.  The goods offered to The Lord as thanksgiving offerings were usually gathered together for disposal to the highest bidder. The items include tubers of yam, livestock, cattle, clothes, kitchen utensils, bicycles, motorcycles and whatever item the parishioners came to church with. A goat could be sold for twenty times the market value to the cheering   of parishioners or  in rare cases at the market price especially minutes before the end of the bazaar. The money realized is used to further the work of the Gospel.
The Nigerian Northern Elites have auctioned their greatest chances to reclaim the presidency they lost during the Obasanjo era. Some northern militaricians led by former military president Ibrahim Babangida repackaged Obasanjo for a puppetist agenda in 1998 banking on their knowledge of the former Head of state – fearful, loyal, subservient and they never bargained that Obasanjo would want to be his own man. Years in Maidugeri prison have turned the former Head of State to another personality  as he saw himself as the second Mandela of Africa. Since then the north lost grip of power. The greatest chance for the north to regain power back since 2003 was in the personality of former head of state General Muhammadu Buhari.
In 2003 presidential elections the ruling party agreed to allocate Buhari 11 million votes in an election the foreign media had already reported Buhari as leading other aspirants with Ojukwu and Obasanjo trailing . Buhari saw votes coming to him and suddenly the votes disappeared in a twinkle when the ruling PDP rigging wonders appeared. When Nigerians wanted to revolt against the presidential charade called elections, the ANPP governors-elect from the north led by Adamu Aliero of Kebbi state  campaigned  that the aggrieved should go to court for redress. He was supported by The Nigerian Labour Congress of Oshiomhole ,who contrary to earlier affirmations, refused to bring workers out for protests.
The court process was another judicial exercise as all the Justices saw a most wonderful elections with just a few hitches . His own Katsina kinsman and the then Chief Justice of Nigeria, Muhammadu Uwais and his seven man panel blessed the electoral  fraud with holy piousness.
In 2007 Buhari came again for the presidency. His greatest enemy was Sanni Yerima , the governor of Zamfara State who introduced Sharia to Nigeria. Governor Yerima with his counterparts in the ANPP so much ganged up against Buhari’s presidential ambition that it took only intelligence reports that the PDP would prefer a Yerima candidacy to that of Buhari for the former governor to step down.  Yerima then took a pound of flesh by imposing Edwin Ume-Ezeoke as the running mate against Buhari’s preferred choice of Mike Ahamba. Immediately after the fraudulent 2007 election was over Yerima and Ume-Ezeoke abandoned Buhari and scrambled to submit names to the Yar’adua government for patronage and appointments to the cheering of his northern brothers in the ANPP. Seven man panel of Justices of the Supreme Court handled the case , the three from the north namely Justice Idris Kutigi, Katsina-alu and Dahiru Mustapha and Niki Tobi from the south south saw nothing wrong in the fraud while George  Oguntade led other two justices from the south to reject the forgery in a minority judgment. In fact it was the justices from the south that always made futile attempts to salvage the case of  the general while their northern colleagues followed the ruling party starting from rtd Justice Nsofor.
In 2011 , a man that rode on Buhari’s back to become governor in kano state, Ibrahim Shekarau, started challenging him. In fact Shekarau drove Buhari out of ANPP and the general had to form his own party , months to the presidential elections. During the presidential campaign eighty percent of funds of the Goodluck –Sambo campaign organization went to the pockets of the northern elites including traditional rulers, opinion leaders and religious leaders. They helped President Goodluck get the mandatory 25% votes in 2/3 states of the federation. It was a charade of securing 25% votes for Goodluck in core northern states. In fact most states of the core north  did not display the posters of Goodluck except on the eve of every President campaign  and the posters disappeared  as quickly as Goodluck leaves the states. There was no radio jingles, nothing to show that another candidate existed but when the results was coming President Goodluck was getting 25% and above in many areas. The northern elites colluded with the ruling party to avoid a run-off election and as such securing the 25% in as many northern states as possible was the major task. Those purchased for the assignment did it without caution and the voter’s suspicion of high level collusion triggered the post election violence.
The funds to used to purchase northern elites were drawn from PPMC, PPPRA, FIRS, Customs, MDAs. Ministers were ordered to mobilize money from their ministries for the purchase. The FCDA released the N7billion naira meant for the vice presidents mansion for this merchandise. When the senators led by Smart Adeyemi recently raised hell about the whereabouts of the money and were told how it vanished, the case died off as a family affair. Northern elites in the past have accused the Igbo politicians of being money conscious but the 2011 presidential elections showed that abundant greed resides in the north more than any part of the country.
Buhari’s attempt to get justice again was truncated by northern justices in the Supreme Court. They initially plotted the removal of uncompromising Salami, from the south west as the President of the Court of Appeal and went on to bury the general in their subsequent judgments which refused to admit audit  of electoral materials.
The problem of the north is the north. Had Shekarau availed Buhari of the funds he used to prosecute his presidential campaign, the general would have penetrated the south. General Buhari’s campaign organization suffered severe cash crunch that they couldn’t even pay for party agents to represent them in the polls in some states in the south . where they paid agents, the sum was paltry that the ruling party had a field day inflating votes. Shekarau chased Buhari out of the ANPP and appointed himself a presidential candidate and all his party could get was 917,000 votes while the man he chased away got 12, 214, 000 votes in his new party, CPC. What an irony.
If the northern elites had supported  Muhammadu Buhari , the election wouldn’t be that easy for the ruling PDP, but alas they elected to fill their pocket to the brim at the expense of the north.  Like Judas Iscariot in the Bible who sold his master Jesus Christ for thirty pieces of silver and later on returned the money and committed suicide in Matthew chapter 26:vs 14-16 the northern elites have sold their political future for a mess of billions of dollars, pounds, euro and naira and as such have led the north into a state of political hara-kiri .
Obinna Akukwe
Financial/ IT consultant.

About Post Author

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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Read Time:4 Minute, 39 Second

“Most of them (Northern governors), pay us monthly to leave their states alone”…that was one of the spokesmen for Boko Haram, Saidu Umar aka Usman Al Zawahiri.

For eternity these lunatics have unleashed terror on the Nigeria state and its people. As at last Friday, death toll, policemen, soldiers and civilians’ hovers between 950 and 1200…and still counting.

While The Federal Government and its security chiefs have perfected how to write condolence speeches, the deadly sect continues to grow in strength, employing sophisticated tactics reminiscent of Al Qaeda modus operandi.

They have several times boasted about their ‘exploits’ and often reveled why they remain invincible. Top guns like Umar Sokoto, Baba Kuwa Fugu, Imam Abubakar, Sanda Umar, Ustaz Mohammed Yusuf (late), Uzairu Abba Abdulahi (late) and Zawahiri, have at different fora dropped hints about those behind them.

They have fingered governors, members of the national assembly, security operatives, emirs, etc. Today, we present the faces of those who have given financial and moral support to Boko Haram, right from the days of the Jos crises, and also give you snippets into their mindsets, or a brief profile.
This is the first installment. As time goes on we will continue to put faces to this sponsors and sympathizers.

Speaker Aminu Tambuwal says “ There is need to forgive them ( Boko Haram). We should bring them to the table and discuss with them to see how to end these problems”

Adamu Ciroma asked about moves by the Federal Government to seek the intervention of northern elders he said “ I won’t talk about that”…asked about Boko Haram he said “ Boko Haram is a product of bad governance and it is the duty of government to try to ensure things are done properly”

Sacked IGP Hafiz Ringim allegedly, in concert with his lackey, Zakari Biu, ensured Umaru Sokoto, arrested in Abuja, varnished from Abaji. He ensured no photo or fingerprint was taken of such a high profile operative believed to have masterminded the bombing of the church in Madalla. It was learnt that Sokoto had to be allowed to ‘escape’ because he had information on top sponsors including members of the Federal Executive Council.

Gov. Rabiu Kwankwaso of Kano. In August 2011, ordered the release of all Boko Haram suspects in the state by security agencies. He had said, “there is no justification for their continued detention. If there is any member of the sect in detention, I am hereby calling on security agencies to release them. The Governor paid N10 million to the sect and provided training ground for them in the woods.

Former Governor Isa Yuguda of Bauchi pays N10 miliion per month, for protection, provides training ground in the back woods. According to him “ Boko Haram is not against Nigeria society, but protesting Social injustice, it is just a pressure group. Yuguda who minimized the murder of several NYSC members by jihadists also apologized to the sect fro the 2009 crackdown. “ I apologize to members of Jamatu Ahlussunnah Liddawati wal Jihad for injustices caused them, “ he said last year.

Former Borno Governor, Ali Modu Sherriff had a Boko Haram representative in his cabinet. He was Fuji Foi who was later sacked and subsequently murdered under dodgy circumstances. He sponsored a militant group made up of Boko Haram operatives. The militant group was tagged ECOMOG. He also apologized to the sect for the crackdowns, and made substantial financial contributions.

Former Governor Ibrahim Shekarau administration in Kano made a monthly N10 million donation to the group. It was alleged that the Shekarau administration reached an agreement as far back as 2004 to be paying a monthly support of N5 million to the group which was later raised to N10 million sometime in 2009.

Senator Ali Ndume currently being prosecuted for ties to the sect. He, according to members of the sect help put together threatening text messages to prominent Nigerians.

He also made huge financial donations to the sect.
Former Ambassador to Sao Tome and Principe, Sheidu Pinda, killed recently in a car crash, was a huge financier. He made millions of naira available for logistics and purchase of arms and ammunitions.

New IGP, M.D Abubakar was indicted twice for aiding jihadists in the strings of crises that engulf Jos, the Plateau state capital. The Justice Nikki Tobi recommended dismissal and warned that such a character could not be commissioner of police, which he was then.

Zakari Biu who was top gun at Zone 7 Abuja where Sokoto was initially locked up has ties to the sect. He was, during the Olusegun Obasanjo regime recommended for dismissal for misconduct and ties with militants, but he was suspended, and 10 years after smuggled back into the police by Ringim. He aided the escape of Sokoto.

Emir Of Suleja , Awalu Ibrahim, is a prominent sponsor and spiritual father of the sect. After the deadly bombing of a church in his domain, madalla, he refused to show up at the scene to condole with victim’s families.

He was subsequently queried by the state Governor, Babangida Aliyu. According to the state’s Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Abdulahi Bawa Wuse, the government found out that despite the retinue of people and frontline Nigerian leaders that had visited the victims and the bomb sites from across the country to express their sympathy with those involved, the traditional ruler neither sent words of sympathy nor visited the area.

About Post Author

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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Supreme Court Sacks 5 Governors: Kogi, 1 State, 2 Governors

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Read Time:4 Minute, 19 Second

The Supreme Court, on Friday, in Abuja sacked the five state governors whom their tenure was earlier extended by a Federal High Court and the Court of Appeal  beyond May 29,2011.

The affected governors are Ibrahim Idris of Kogi State; Murtala Nyako (Adamawa), Timipre Sylva (Bayelsa), Aliyu Wamako (Sokoto) and Liyel Imoke (Cross River).

A full-panel of seven justices, led by the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Dahiru Musdapher, in a unanimous decision, held that their tenure “began on the 29th day of May, 2007 and terminated on the 28th day of May, 2011, being four years allowed by the 1999 Constitution.”

In the lead judgement read by Justice Walter Nkanu Onnoghen, the court held that it was the election of the governors that was annulled by the tribunal, and not their oath of office, adding that the Constitution did not recognise a governor staying in office beyond eight years.

The judgement read in part “It is the case of the respondents that since their elections in 2007 were nullified it meant that in law the said election never took place and  as such the oaths of allegiance and of office they took in May 29,2007 became non-existent and that the oaths of allegiance and of office which is valid and relevant to the determination of the four years tenure is that which they took at various dates in 2008.

“I had earlier found and held that the provisions of Section 180 of the 1999 Constitution do not envisage a re-run election let alone a re-run election won by the same person who took the earlier oaths of allegiance and of office.

“I have also found and held that from the totality of the relevant provisions of the 1999 Constitution including Section 180(1)(2)&(3) and 182(1)(b). A person first elected as governor of a state shall vacate his office at the expiration of a period of four years from the date he took the oath of allegiance and of office, though he could be re-elected for another term of four years, giving him a maximum of two tenures of eight years.

“From what i have been saying so far, it is clear that i am of the view that the provisions of Section 180(2) of the 1999 Constitution as amended is not relevant to the determination of the issue under considerations as the intention of the framers of the constitution of assigning four years tenure to the governors is clear from the language used in Sections 180(1)(2)&(3) and 180(2) can be described as a classification of what is,by the deployment of the tools of constitutional interpretation ,obvious and attainable as demonstrated in this judgement. The 1999 Constitution has no room for self succession for a cumulative tenure exceeding eight years.

“Supreme Court is not bound by the decision of the lower court, but the lower court is bound by the decision of the Supreme court.

“When the tribunal\courts so declare the election, the declaration does not affect the validity of the oaths the governor took so as to function in that office as required by the constitution neither would it affect the bills he signed into law, contracts awarded, budgets etc.

“It, therefore, means that the consequences of the annulled election is different from null and void proceeding or act which is usually described as being incurably bad and of no effect whatsoever.

“I hold the considered view that to uphold the validity of the acts of the governors in office prior to the nullification of their election and reject the period they spent in office during which time they performed those acts in the determination of the period of their tenure is contrary to common sense and the clear intention of the framers of the constitution.

“The fact that there was an election in 2007 as a result of the which the governors took their oath of allegiance and of office are facts which cannot be wished away, just as they performed while occupying the seat.

“The said governors may not have been the de jure governors following the nullification of their election, which is not supported by the acceptance of their acts in that office as legal and binding on all and sundry, they were certainly governors de facto during the period they operated ostensibly in accordance with the provisions of the constitution and Electoral Act and as such period they so operated has to be taken into consideration in determining the terminal date of their tenure following what I may call their second missionary journey vide a re-run election particularly as the constitution unequivocally grants tenure of four years to a person elected governor of a  state calculated from the date he took the oaths of allegiance and of office which was the May 29, 2007.

Following the judgment, the Federal Government, on Friday, directed Speakers of the State Houses of Assembly of the affected states to take control as acting governors.

About Post Author

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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Celebrate With iROKOtv -Codewit World News

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Read Time:1 Minute, 51 Second

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About Post Author

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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Boko Haram leader, wife killed in 5-hour gunfight •Slain leader, 2002 BUK graduate •Security agents arrest son

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Read Time:3 Minute, 53 Second

Security agents on Tuesday killed Uzairu Abba Abdullahi, a textile merchant suspected to be a leader of the violent Islamic sect, Boko Haram, during a five-hour gun duel.

His pregnant wife, who was at his residence in Hotoro, Nassarawa Local Government Area when the team stormed the building, was also shot dead. After the battle, the security men reportedly arrested one of the late businessman’s sons..

A family source described Abdullahi as a 2002 Mass Communication graduate of Bayero University, Kano, but security sources described him as one of the planners and executors of last Friday’s multiple bomb blasts and attacks on Kano.

Our correspondent gathered that the team that killed him comprised soldiers, policemen and security personnel drawn from other forces. The team reportedly stormed the suburb at about midnight following a tip-off that members of the sect were there in large numbers.

THE PUNCH learnt that on reaching the house, Abdulllahi and his men opened fire and the team returned fire. A senior security official told our correspondent that the gunfight raged from 12.30am-5.30am.

Our correspondent reports that while the battle lasted, residents were kept awake for hours as guns boomed. The scene of the incident is close to the farm and horse stable of Chief Deinde Fernandez, who is also Garsan Fulanin Kano, a traditional title in the Kano emirate.

A security official said an army officer who was part of the security operatives was shot in the leg. He was said to be the only victim on the side of the security agents.

The source said, “We had trailed this man for some time. We placed surveillance on him as soon as we received a tip-off that he usually conducted himself in a suspicious manner. So, we decided to pick him up.

“Unfortunately, in the course of the exchange of gunfire, he and his wife were killed. But we captured his son alive.

“The order we got from our Oga (higher authorities) was for us to catch him (Abdullahi) alive so he could be useful in our investigation of Friday’s multiple bomb attacks on security forces and innocent Nigerians. Unfortunately, his resistance led to his death.”

THE PUNCH gathered that before the operatives swooped on the Boko Haram leader, the security authorities had ordered the 9th Squadron Mobile Police, which is close to the scene of the operation, to be on standby.

The early morning Muslim prayers could not be said in the area until about 6.30am, instead of the usual 5.30am.

Efforts made to confirm the incident by newsmen were rebuffed by the army and police authorities who refused to give details of the attack.

The late Abdulahi’s cousin, Alhaji Ali Abdullahi, confirmed the death of the suspect and his wife to reporters.

According to him, the late suspected Boko Haram leader hailed from Gaya Local Government Area in the state. However, he claimed he was an easygoing man who related well with his neighbours. He described the incident leading to his death as “very unfortunate”.

Ali also lamented that all the efforts made by the family to recover his cousin’s corpse and that of his wife, for the purpose of prompt burial, had proved abortive.

Our correspondent gathered that most residents of Hotoro have relocated from the area to safer zones within the metropolis out of the fear that the security agents might return.

Meanwhile, the Kano State Government has organised a mass burial for unclaimed bodies from the Friday attacks. THE PUNCH gathered that about 50 bodies were buried in Kalebawa village, along Kano-Danbatta road on Tuesday.

A source at the Murtala Muhammed Specialist Hospital, who pleaded anonymity, said the corpses, which had been at the hospital since the attack, had started to decompose.

Our correspondent saw two vehicles of the mortuary unit, filled with the corpses, leaving the hospital. He later learnt that corpses that had been properly identified remained in the mortuary for their loved ones to claim.

There was no official confirmation of the actual number of the corpses taken for mass burial, however, as all efforts to contact the hospital officials proved abortive.

Also on Tuesday, the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Bayero, led other emirs on a sympathy visit to the the victims receiving treatment at the Murtala Muhammed Specialist Hospital.

Emir Bayero went in company with the Emir of Kazaure, Alhaji Najib Adamu; Emir of Dutse, Alhaji Nuhu Muhammad; and the Sardaunan Kano and immediate past governor of Kano State, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau.

About Post Author

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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Roads and rail in Nigeria could be at the centre of job creation

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Read Time:3 Minute, 40 Second

Nigeria and other African countries can use investment in infrastructure to foster youth employment and skill development

People walking in the street in Bauchi, Nigeria. Photograph: Joern Pollex/Getty Images

Africa‘s youth unemployment is widely recognised as a potential source of political instability. However, most of the policy proposals for addressing joblessness focus largely on stand-alone skill development efforts. They fail to recognise infrastructure as the motherboard of job creation.

The International Labour Organisation, for example, has rightly called for urgent measures to address skills mismatches, including workplace, entrepreneurship and life skills training programmes. But it has largely downplayed the strategic role that critical infrastructure projects can play.

Africa’s emerging focus on infrastructure offers a unique opportunity for the continent to adopt novel approaches to employment generation and skills development.

Take the case of Nigeria. According to World Bank estimates, Nigeria’s vision to become a middle-income country by 2020 will require sustained investment in infrastructure – almost $14.2bn a year over the next decade, about 12% of GDP. Today, the country invests $5.9bn per year, 5% of GDP.

Nigeria spends almost $90bn a year on food imports. Reducing this import bill will require significant investment in infrastructure such as rural energy, transport, telecommunications and irrigation.

Nigeria’s abundant arable land is not being cultivated partly because of poor roads. Household surveys and spatial data show that between 20% and 47% of rural people live within 2km of an all-season road. This is well below Nigeria’s peer countries.

Nigeria has one of Africa’s most elaborate railway networks, second only to South Africa. However, traffic volumes dropped (pdf) at the rate of five trucks a day, from 3m tonnes a day in 1960 to about 15,000 tonnes in 2005. Over the same period, passenger traffic dropped from 3 million to 500,000 a year.

Much of Nigeria’s impetus for rural development will come from state-level investments. However, state-run infrastructure suffers most from low maintenance support.

Given such challenges, it is no surprise the Nigerian government has made the bold and controversial decision to reinvest a large part of the fuel subsidy revenue in infrastructure construction and maintenance. The decision has elicited legitimate popular demand for a crackdown on corruption, a debilitating companion of many infrastructure projects.

The subsidy reinvestment and empowerment programme also includes support for youth employment. There are at least three ways in which Nigeria and other African countries can use infrastructure investments to foster youth employment and skill development.

First, new jobs can be directly created in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of infrastructure projects. However, such job creation is unlikely to happen unless there are deliberate policy guidelines. This is mainly because construction projects tend to focus primarily on immediate cost-effectiveness and less on indirect benefits such as youth employment. China, for example, has been widely criticised for focusing more on the timely completion of construction projects and less on employment generation.

Second, infrastructure projects need to be designed to provide technical training opportunities for young people. Ministries responsible for such projects can take the opportunity to upgrade their internal training centres, for example, partnering with local colleges, training institutes and vocational schools. Nigeria and other African countries can learn from experiences of countries such Malaysia, whose public works department’s Research and Training Institute was converted into the Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College in 2003. Its six schools focus on engineering, information technology, communication and languages, applied sciences and architecture.

There are a large number of Nigerian ministerial institutes that are ready to play this role. For example, the Digital Bridge Institute under the telecoms ministry could expand its role in providing technical training beyond its current remit.

Third, infrastructure projects can support youth employment through entrepreneurial training. Young people working on such projects can acquire business and management skills to help them create and run their own enterprises. The government can also help link infrastructure managers to business and management schools.

Nigeria offers a glimpse at how a crisis can be turned into an opportunity for youth employment, skills development and overall economic transformation. Between 2010 and 2015 the number of young people (aged 15-24) in sub-Saharan Africa is expected to rise by 19.4 million, to account for 14% of that age group’s global share. They are Africa’s most important economic asset and need to be gainfully employed without delay.

About Post Author

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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British Man on trial for Illegally Shipping 80,000 Guns to Nigeria

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Read Time:2 Minute, 13 Second

A  British-based arms dealer helped organise the shipment of thousands of guns from China to Nigeria without the necessary licence, a court has heard.

BBC reported Thursday that Gary Hyde was accused of partly arranging and organising the shipment in 2007 of 80,000 rifles and pistols and 32 million rounds of ammunition.

Southwark Crown Court heard he did not receive permission from the relevant government department.

Hyde, from Derwent near York, denies the charges.
The court was told the shipment involved 40,000 AK47 assault rifles, 30,000 rifles and 10,000 9mm pistols.

Prosecutor Mukul Chawla QC told the jury his actions were a “deliberate and calculated breach of the law”.

“In order to ensure that his criminality, his illegal activities were not drawn to the attention of the UK authorities, he placed and thus concealed profits from his illegal trade into his bank account in Liechtenstein,” he said.

Chawla said the shipment required permission from the relevant government authority because it had been partly arranged and organised from the UK by Hyde.

The prosecutor told the jury Hyde had made a statement through his solicitor in November 2009 which said: “I do not believe that I engaged in any activity in the UK which I understood required a licence but where instead I decided to ignore that obligation.”

Chawla said: “The prosecution case is that the claim that he made in November 2009 is palpably false and that Mr Hyde deliberately engaged in activity within the UK which required a licence.”

Hyde carried out his part in the deals with his business partner Karl Kleber, a German national based in Germany, the court was told.
The pair acted as middle men between two Polish companies acting for the Nigerian buyers and Chinese companies, the court heard.
Chawla said commission payments for the deals totalled around $1.3 million.

The trial continues.

Just last Tuesday, Ghanaian security agents seized a truckload of arms and ammunition believed to be on its way to crisis-torn Nigeria and arrested five people.

“The vehicle with Coca Cola inscription was loaded with the consignment which included pump action guns, double-barrel guns and a large quantity of cartridges,” Accra Regional Police Commander Rose Bio Atinga told AFP.
Police, acting on a tip-off, arrested two Nigerians and three Ghanaians.

 â€œAfter a check was conducted, we realise that the vehicle with a (Nigerian) registration number, was loaded with ammunition covered by a metal plate,” said Atinga.

“Upon interrogation, the suspects confessed that the consignment was on its way to Nigeria,” she said.

About Post Author

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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Nigeria: Boko Haram on Northern govs’payroll –

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Read Time:6 Minute, 59 Second

The Boko Haram sect has cited the stoppage of its monthly financial support for the recent attacks on northern states, claiming that the group was until recently being bankrolled by some northern governors.

The claim by the group came as it also alleged that former President Olusegun Obasanjo was in its firing range last September but was spared because of his tolerance of the sharia Islamic code during his presidency.

An unnamed high ranking official of the group alleged that the Ibrahim Shekarau administration in Kano made a monthly N10 million donation to the group while the Bauchi Governor, Alhaji Isa Yuguda besides financial commitments was also an admirer of the military prowess of the group.

The group has, nevertheless, dismissed any personal grouse with President Goodluck Jonathan, alleging that the problems with the administration were carryovers from what it claimed to be the callousness of the Yar‘Adua administration in waging war against the group.

The allegations were made by a high ranking official of the group to the online publication

Mr. Michael Ishola, Chief Press Secretary to the Bauchi State Governor, Alhaji Isa Yuguda, however, debunked the claim as a “very, very strange allegation.”

The newly appointed Special Adviser (Media) to the Kano State Governor, Mallam Halilu Dantiye on his part, claimed ignorance of any monthly payment to the group by the Ibrahim Shekarau administration which the present administration succeeded as he claimed that there was no such issue contained in the handover note.

Noting that the attacks on Kano and Bauchi arose from the stoppage of the financial support to the group by some northern governors, the official in the disclosures to the publication said that the entire northern governors have ongoing relationships with the group.

“Most of them pay us monthly to leave their states alone”.
It was alleged that the Shekarau administration reached an agreement as far back as 2004 to be paying a monthly support of N5 million to the group which was later raised to N10 million sometime in 2009.

The agreement also reportedly included infrastructural support. The support was, however, allegedly stopped at the inception of the Kwankwaso administration in May 2011.

The publication alleged that the Kwankwaso regime also turned against the group dismantling its infrastructure in the state.

“We warned the Governor of the consequences. We concluded on Kano in December 2011,” the source said. Shekarau’s spokesman, Sule Yau did not respond to the allegations yesterday as he did not respond to a text message sent to him. Mallam Dantiye Special Adviser to Governor Kwankwaso claimed ignorance of the alleged support saying that nothing like that was contained in the handover note received from Shekarau.

On Bauchi, the publication reported that Governor Yuguda reached a similar agreement with the leadership of the group for the payment of N10million monthly to the group alongside the provision of training grounds on the many mountains scattered in Bauchi State. The governor it was reported also promised to give them security against arrests by the federal government.  The agreement was supposedly reached in June 2008 but mid 2011, the governor reportedly stopped the disbursement of the funds.

Mr. Michael Ishola, Chief Press Secretary to Governor Yuguda also refuted the allegation against Governor Yuguda. “It is a very, very strange allegation, because the Isa Yuguda I know cannot be involved in such an allegation. We in Bauchi have been living in peace. We are not involved in that,”.

Why we didn’t kill Obasanjo — Boko Haram

While noting the group’s reservations on the mediation initiated by President Obasanjo with the group through Babakura Fuggu, in-law of Mohammed Yusuf, the slain founder of the group, the publication disclosed that the new leader of the group, Imam Abubakar Shekau, had considered priming Obasanjo for assassination as the September 15, 2011 exchange approached.

According to the publication:  As Obasanjo concluded his secret meeting the previous day at the Green House with three other religious group [Jamatu Nasirl Islam, JNI and CAN] in Jos, the capital of Plateau State on the Wednesday of September 14, 2011, and took off the following day to Borno State, the terrorist group, according to the source, marked the former President within their ‘firing range’ from the moment he landed in Borno State at minutes after 11am till he departed the State in the late afternoon of the same day. According to the source, “we were not sure of him”.

“He was going to be a big catch” said the source who explained that the leadership halted the operation as Obasanjo went inside the residence of Babakura.

“Obasanjo was good to us. We had no problem with Obasanjo. We had him. We could have taken him out”, as he recalled that the sharia movement took off during the period when Obasanjo was president. “The problem started during the late President Yar’Adua regime. Goodluck only inherited the problem. We have no problem with Goodluck. But his Ijaw people around him are deceiving him”.

JTF kills 4 Boko Haram members in Maiduguri

In a seeming fight back, the Joint Task Force (JTF), “Operation Restore Order” in Maiduguri, Borno State claimed success in gunning down four operatives of the Boko Haram sect in the town. The four were reportedly killed yesterday in Pompomari ward of Maiduguri , the Borno State capital.

According to a Press statement signed by the Field Operations Commander of the JTF, Col. Victor Ebhaleme the quartet was apprehended along with bomb materials.

He said: “Four members of the sect involved in the killings in Maiduguri metropolis and its environs and have been under the surveillance of security agencies were shot dead”.

The statement further claimed that, various Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) materials prepared for detonation were equally recovered from their Golf Saloon car.

The statement further warned those still harbouring the sect members to desist from such acts, urging them to report all suspects to security agencies for prompt action

Nigeria, US join forces against Boko Haram

Meanwhile, Nigeria’s effort to combat the activities of the Boko Haram sect received a boost yesterday as it resolved to collaborate with the United States in the fight against the group.

The meeting between the two countries held under the aegis of the US-Nigeria Bi-national Commission had US Deputy Assistant Secretary, Mr. William Fitzgerald leading the American side, while the Nigerian side was led by the Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary, Ambassador Martins Uhomoibhi in company of the National Security Adviser (NSA), Gen. Andrew Azazi (Rtd.)

Both the Nigerian and US officials met in Abuja to formalize a response to the general insecurity in the northern part of Nigeria. Before retreating to a closed door meeting, Fitzgerald disclosed that, due to the intensity of the insurgent activities in the North, the security working group was split into two, with one group focusing exclusively on tackling the Boko Haram menace, while the other would focus on security of the Niger Delta region.

He said: “Today marks a new beginning, security issues in the North have taken up new significance, so we have chosen to split the regional security cooperation and the Niger Delta. The regional security cooperation has its own working group which will meet today (yesterday) and tomorrow (today).”

“I bring on behalf of the US government, the deepest condolences on the heinous attacks that have taken place during the past few days first in Kano and then Bauchi State. We deplore swiftly the reign of terror that has existed in the north of the country for many months. And we stand with you to work together to find a way to bring peace to the north,”  the US envoy added.

Ambassador Adefuye was quoted as saying that “the United States government has proposed that the Niger-Delta and regional security component of the commission be split into separate entities and the first meeting on regional security should hold immediately on 23 and 24 of January. We have agreed to this proposal.

“We are receiving adequate support and assistance from our international friends without compromising our independence and freedom of action.”

About Post Author

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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Finnish bank accounts breached

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Read Time:2 Minute, 18 Second

Online malware attacks on major Finnish banks in recent weeks have originated in Russia, says Mikko Hyppönen, Chief Research Officer at the data security company F-Secure. Nordea, OP-Pohjola and Sampo Bank have been hit by a trojan that has caused financial losses to hundreds of customers.

OP-Pohjola says that more than 10,000 euros have been illegally transferred from its customers’ accounts since the beginning of the year.

According to police, the malware is still functioning and may stealthily transfer funds from customers’ accounts into the accounts of criminal elements.

Inspector Timo Piiroinen of the National Bureau of Investigation told YLE that losses have occurred, but was unwilling to name any specific sums. Also, he was unable to say if banks will pay for losses, or if customers themselves will have to suffer from the effects of the malware.

According to Piiroinen the malware on an infected computer is activated when a customer establishes an online connection to his or her bank. It exploits the connection and the user security information provided by the customer, making account transfers during the session. The user does not necessarily even realize that the transfers are being made.

“The attack is still going on. This malware is still on people’s computers. This situation is not over. The situation is ongoing,” Piiroinen told YLE on Friday.

The National Bureau of Investigation has confirmed that the targets are customers of Nordea, OP-Pohjola and Sampo Bank.

Finnish banks have been hit by various online attacks, starting last summer. Piiroinen was unable to say if the perpetrators have been the same.

Few incidents

OP-Pohjola reports that the malware has been responsible for transfers of over 10,000 euros from customers’ accounts since the start of the year. The bank has not yet decided whether or not customers will be reimbursed for their losses. The liability of banks for funds stolen through online transactions is dependent on how responsible the customer has been in using the service.

According to OP-Pohjola, some of the transfers from customers’ accounts were stopped, but some went through to the criminals involved in the scheme. Fewer than 20 customers have been victims of the scam.

Nordea Risk Management Director Kari Oksanen says that he is unaware of a single instance in which a Nordea customer’s money had been lost. However, he conceded that attempts have been made, but the funds have successfully traced

“The sums involved in these attempts have been very small, less than a thousand euros. These have affected only a few customers,” Oksanen explains.

Oksanen added that all of the attempts took place on Monday, January 16th.

If needed, Nordea is to decide on possible reimbursement on a case-by-case basis.


About Post Author

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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