The News flow Controversy -Onwutalobi Anthony-Claret

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Read Time:13 Minute, 25 Second

The News flow Controversy: Evaluation of Imbalances, Inadequacies, distortions in International news flow and how it affects African development and democracy.

Information is power and the most critically sought commodity in today’s world. Those that control the information are usually seemed to be the most powerful in our contemporary society. Therefore, for the past thirty years, there has been a controversy resulting from accusation and counter accusation of imbalance flow of information from the west to south. The purported victims which are the developing nations have been raging bitterly over the news coverage of events in their continent and have denounced western newspapers, journals, and television outlets for their alleged sensationalism and anti-development bias (Legum & Cornwell, 1978). Due to this controversy, on several accounts, developing nations have attempted to engage the western nations through different channels to address the issue of global information inequality. One that may readily come to mind is the UNESCO meetings in 1969 (Sean , Elie, Sergei , & Somavia, 1980), 1974 (Mowlana, 1985), 1976 (Bandopadhyay, 2006) and 1980 (Tokunbo, 2000) consecutively, where the UNESCO group of experts on mass communication and society noted in its disturbing but revealing report that: What has come to be known as the free flow of information at the present time is often in fact a one way rather than a true exchange of information.

In retaliation, western world has equally charged the developing world of seeking to obstruct the free flow of information and insist to make no change in the information flow which they regard as a threat to the freedom to report, to print, and to broadcast news (Legum & Cornwell, 1978). This charge and counter-charge is far from abating and in fact is gathering momentum as it persists in many developing countries as they are well aware of the value of information in speeding material development and in maintaining power. In this paper however, the author will be discussing the developing world perception of new world information order, seeking to find what changes they expect from it. The essay will also attempt to identify the positions taken by these disputants by closely looking at the exchange of charges and counter-charges between those demanding balance in the news and those demanding journalistic freedom. And finally we will explore the issues underlying the dispute and attempt to proffer solutions where necessary.

 A Historical Perspective: News flow before World War II

The concept of imbalance in the media coverage and controversy over the international flow of news had been an important starting point in many of the deliberations concerning the national and international flow of information, culture and news. However, the significance of this controversy can be understood only be grasping the extent of the revolutionary changes that have been eroding the international system for the last thirty years.

Taking cognizance of the fact that in recent days, the world communication technology and the management of world information resources are clearly in the favor of the industrialized countries. (Legum & Cornwell, 1978), in their compiled report argues that western domination was actually the cause of disparity in both the economic and information order which they believed started after the World War II as described as the post imperial era. It was during this period that new ideas and forces took shape and power shift decisively to the west. They recounted that before the World War II , that western nations has no political power to impose their will on the non-western world and that the great power struggles of the European imperial era were all fought among the western nations themselves making it impossible for the west to dominate (Legum & Cornwell, 1978).

However, they believed that the industrial revolution had given the west a head start over the rest of the world in creating new wealth and accumulating great military power, which in turn resulted both in the expansion of European imperialism and in the rise of the United states, but one thing that stood very obvious within those period was also subsequent rapid growth of emerging powers like Soviet Union and China. These duos also become players in the center stage making the technological advances of the industrial revolution not remain exclusive to western possession.

News Flow after World War II

After the World War II, more events continue to unfold, developing countries began gradually to assume role in the central stage as major factor in world affairs. Suffice to note that the developing nation’s first encounter in dealing with the western world was recorded to be hostile, as they experienced the western domination on almost every international affairs which Roger Tatarian, former vice-president of United Press International (UPI), acknowledged then by stating that the imbalance in economic and information order is due to the military, economic and political power distribution in the western world. (Tokunbo, 2000). As things unfold, It becomes more clearer to the developing world that the western domination and control of information is not beneficial but later unhealthy to their growth given that this one- way flow of information inevitably reflects only the point of view, mentality, values and interests of these developed nations (Ochs, 1986).

Most importantly, they saw also repressive act of the western world where the major western media tend to treat the cultures of the industrialized nations as superior and place them at the top of this imaginary hierarchy, while the cultures of the developing nations are placed at the bottom of the hierarchy (Einer, 1965). For instance, we always see the journalist lump together the 54 nations of African continent as one while the continent is often portrayed as a crocodile-infested dark continent where jungle life has perpetually eluded civilization (Tokunbo, 2000). These gross misrepresentations and imbalance in the inter-national news flow was a big concern to the developing countries, therefore there was a burning desire for a radical overhaul of the present international information system to a new information order where free flow of information will be equitable and balanced. They wanted the world communication system to reflect the diversity and equality of all human races more just and more beneficial to the whole community of mankind. It was on this background that the New World Information and communication order (NWICO) debate was born. It was the greatest debates in the field of international communication in the 1970s and 1980s (Tokunbo, 2000).

NWICO debate: Objective of NWICO debate

From documented report of several media experts, they all noted that the fundamental objective of NWICO debate was to seek for transnational flow of information, to resolve inequality in information resources, to promote cultural and commercial values of information and maintain fairness in the news distribution (Tokunbo, 2000). It was indeed a hot debate as summed up by different sources. According to one document complied by one German scholar on this NWICO debate, He wrote that there was a consensus from the participants resulting in adopting the resolution at the 19th General Conference of UNESCO in Nairobi in 1976 and at the 31st United Nations General Assembly which was aimed in promotion of the development of national communication systems in the developing countries (Kleinwachter, Nordenstreng, Gerbner, & Mowlana, 1993).

Outcomes of NWICO debate

From the documents emanating from the debate, we assume that the case of the developing world was well presented, noting that some major powers were complacent but not completely satisfied of the decision made in the meeting which we believe was among the reasons that made the realization of the demands a tall dream. Aside this unsatisfactorily disposition of the west, some other issues cast doubt on the realization of the decision for example, within the framework of the resolution, there were some questions unanswered. Firstly, there was no proper definition of how the implementation process of the NWICO debate was to be carried. Secondly, the censorship and media accountability clauses of the NWICO were too ambiguous. (Tokunbo, 2000), (Fore, 1982).

Furthermore, there was underground quibbles and grumbling among the attendants from the west that, the NWICO demands were seen as purely the sole views of Souths elites. Immediately after the release of the resolution to the public, U.S. press reacted with rage, panic and considerable bias. Even the U S. newspapers accused UNESCO of encouraging censorship, state control of the press, licensing of journalists by the state, and, in general, of being the arch-enemy of freedom of the press. (Fore, 1982).

This confusion reinvigorates the western nations suppressive desire to lead, who are already fearing that the hegemonic and monopolistic ownership and control of international communication systems and patterns of information flow were about to be destabilized and disestablished (Okigbo C. C., 1996). This fear prompted the infamous speech by Ronald Reagan the President of United States who spoke as quoted in the New York Times of September 22, 1987 saying that we cannot permit attempts to control the media and promote censorship under the ruse of a so-called new World Information Order, therefore confusion broke and Britain and the United States revoked their membership of the UNESCO and then walked out of the NWICO debate. Their withdrawal immediately weaken the organization political and financial strength as both countries are the largest financiers of the UNESCO.

On this account, the NWICO debate then suffered a big blow. Although UK later joined back to UNESCO in 1996 while US rejoined the organization in 2003, in a practical sense, some media expert claimed that the NWICO debate was a failure. But on paper, it was a success. Owning to the fact that all media outlets restored to status quo. Seeing this development, it was clear that it will not be acceptable by the developing countries. Therefore, the debate was far from over, considering the crystal evidence/facts that the Western media never deviated from their distortion of news and use of the pejorative adjectives and stereotypes when reporting news from developing world. (Fore, 1982).

Post NWICO debate

With the heat and attention generated by the NWICO debate, one may think that the western mass media may surrender to the pressure to at least engage the developing countries in a more acceptable standard, but on the contrary the Western media made no concrete effort to present the developing countries in its full flower. For example, we observed that the news of the Africa is still being infected with the prevailing wisdom of the 19th century. As re-cried by Tojo in his essay he opined that, it is quite disheartening to still see that at the dawn of the 21st century, the North and South are still living in Many Worlds, One Voice. The one voice is the one the industrially rich North has imposed through its claim to economic and technological superiority and hegemony. Thus, the new world order does not seem to guarantee economic rights, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, cultural pluralism, autonomy and sovereignty of the nations of the South. It is perhaps a new world order of military intimidation and bashing of the weaker nation states of the South (Sean , Elie, Sergei , & Somavia, 1980), (Fore, 1982).

Contemporary Perspective: What Next?

Is the demand for free flow of information by the developing world a legitimate one? Before rushing to a conclusion that the western mass media have indeed been above reproach in their handling of sensitive international issues, we would like to seek for more justification of the claim and know exactly what is meant when we talk about improving the free flow of information and what impact it could make in the developing world. Therefore it will be more logical to argue in the line of the importance of balance and free flow of information. On this ground, we should bear in mind that media has enormous influence in shaping the public perception and imagination of the situation in or around the world. So ignoring these facts will always cause a serious impediment to the international cooperation.

From many materials we have seen, we noticed that developing countries are not seeking for patronizing information to be disseminated about them but rather they seek for a balance and free flow of information where both good and bad sides of their stories are reflected in the information shared to the public. Since we have establish these fact, then it may be damaging to continue marrying developing nation with stories of economic degradation and political unrest which we believe will only continue to exacerbate the current mistrust and undermine the essence of professional journalism and inter-cultural communication that supposed to exist in professional journalism (Kleinwachter, Nordenstreng, Gerbner, & Mowlana, 1993).

Conclusion & Recommendation

It is a fact that the world’s communications system is dominated by western institutions. The reason for this imbalance as mentioned above is partly because those with greater power tend to exercise greater influence. Today, developing worlds are attempting to redress the balance in the flow of information. And the stronger the developing world grows, the greater will be its ability to achieve essential changes in the international communication system. But it is not enough to say the third world must wait patiently until it is strong enough to compel change. More serious attempt must be made to improve the situation without waiting for the balance in world power to change. Therefore, a more renewed effort should be in place to help redress the balance in the flow of information because the present system is unjust, and those who are champion of freedom must equally be champion of justice and therefore it becomes a necessity that they should lead in helping to reduce manifest inequalities in information flow.

Furthermore, it is obvious that we cannot afford to continue to ignore the fact that the present imbalance in the flow of information is a serious impediment to international harmony and cooperation so every effort must be made to see that these dispute is resolved in a manner that will be helpful to both participants.


Bandopadhyay, S. (2006). Fighting Homogenization: The global infiltration of technology and the struggle to preserve cultural distinctiveness. Noudettu osoitteesta

Einer, O. (1965). Factors Influencing the Flow of News. Journal of Peace Research, 1-60.

Fore, W. F. (1982). A New World Order in Communication. Noudettu osoitteesta

Kleinwachter, W.;Nordenstreng, K.;Gerbner, G.;& Mowlana, H. (1993). Three Waves of the Debate” The Global Media Debate: Its rise, fall and renewal. Norwood New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation.

Legum, C.;& Cornwell, J. (1978). A Free and Balanced Flow. Report of the 20th Century Fund Task Force on the International Flow of News. Massachusets: D C: Lexington Books.

Mowlana, H. (1985). International Flow of News: An Annotated Bibliography . Haettu 2010 osoitteesta

Ochs, M. (1986). The African Press. Cairo: The American University.

Okigbo, C. (1987). The News/low Controversy: Professional Journalists* Evaluation of News Imbalance. Noudettu osoitteesta

Okigbo, C. C. (1996). International Information flow and the challenge of the 21st century to communication research.” North-South Information Culture: Trends in the Global Communications and Research Paradigms. Ed. Uche, L.U. Lagos: Longman.

Sean , M.;Elie, A.;Sergei , L.;& Somavia, J. (1980). Many Voices, One World. Towards a new more just and more efficient world information and communication order. Paris: The UNESCO.

Tokunbo, O. (2000). Post-NWICO debate: Image of Africa in the Western Media. Noudettu osoitteesta Media in Transition:

Uche, L. U. (1996). North-South Information Culture: Trends in the Global Communications and Research Paradigms. Lagos: Longman.

About Author:

Anthony-Claret Onwutalobi is a Nigerian activist and blogger Onwutalobi Anthony-Claret discusses the Imbalances, Inadequacies, distortions in International news flow and how it affects African development and democracy.


About Post Author

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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Rebranding Nigeria: Role of the Nigerians in Diaspora

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Read Time:7 Minute, 54 Second

Rebranding Nigeria: Role of the Nigerians in Diaspora presented by Mr. Anthony-Claret Onwutalobi at the occasion of Nigeria Independence Day organized by People Democratic Party Finland Chapter on the 4th October 2009

The Chairman, Sir, fellow Nigerians, our friends and wives, our special guests of honor, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.

A very good afternoon to everyone.

First and foremost, On behalf of the People Democratic Party Finland Chapter, I welcome you all to this august occasion. I am very delighted to see that you honor our invitation today to join us in celebrating, our country independence day – the day we became Federal Republic of Nigeria. It is also the day we commemorate nationwide our freedom from the colonial masters.

It was just 49 years ago that this nation was born, Born or freed in a literary sense,yet as a young nation, we are still struggling to recover from the menace perpetuated by the marauders and to re-orientate our politicians and citizens on a part to nation building . That is why today, we have chosen this gathering as a best platform where we can discuss on serious note how to rebrand our nation.

Rebranding Nigeria simply means to redefine our concept of Nationhood and engage wholly in the process of National renewal to attain a height where National Interest must be exalted far and above personal, ethno-religious and regional interest. In other words, it connotes the renewing of our dreams, hopes and aspirations. It is total re-dedication and re-commitment to the dictates of our National anthem and our pledge and recognizing these lines we recites everyday as sacred oath of allegiance to our Country. Rebranding Nigeria is also to rekindle the fire of patriotism not as a conditional loyalty and love to a Nation, but as an unflinching and unconditional love and loyalty to same. This will become our own task where, the domestic and international image of the Nation matters to all and sundry.

Our Role as Nigerians in Diaspora: I always believe that it is the Nigerians in Diaspora that will rescue our nation. This group is what I call the external within. Because I believe that they have tasted both sides of aisle, and are well formed and informed to bring in their valuable experience and expertise to the Nigerians at home, the group I also called the Internal within. In essence, I strongly believe that our problem must be solved by us. we do not need any stranger to help us in clearing our mess. Secondly, I must note that the Nigerians in Diaspora should realize that we have a rendezvous with destiny and that, the task of reshaping our individual and collective destinies is our sole responsibility and that, we owe the next generation a duty to craft a well projected, practical and workable blueprint for Nation building or we may be, in former US president Ronald Reagans word: at the edge of “sentencing our children’s children into a thousand years of darkness. Now is the right time for us Nigerians in Diaspora to overhaul his value and believe systems by discarding the imperialist ideology of Nationhood that was transferred by the colonial masters to our unsuspecting founding fathers. Who were psyched at Pre-independence, Independence and Post-independence into believing that once the British flag was brought down and replaced by the Nigerian flag and that once the people mumbled through the hurriedly composed and learnt anthem and that once the British army matched past the newly elected black man in caricature military uniform and offered a half-baked salute. Behold, a Nation was born. They never thought that Nation building was not a destination, but a journey. Our innocent founding fathers never suspected that, the polarization of our Country along regional path by the colonialist was deliberately targeted at dismantling our pre-colonial inter-dependency on one another’s commerce, distinct culture and traditions, which dates back prior to the amalgamation of the Northern and the Southern protectorates by Fredrick John Dealtry, (later, Lord Lugard of Abinger) in 1914. They never realized that the colonial masters made sure that at Independence, they got only Togetherness and not Unity, Confidence and not strength.

At these defining moments in our National lives, We, Nigerians in Diaspora and our youths should be very conscious of the fact that despite our seemingly National challenges, what binds us together is far greater than what drives us apart and that it is about time we left our self-created comfort zones on a desperate search for a new and formidable National identity. We should note that, although our stories might differ from one person to the other and from one region to another, but our common National destiny is shared and that it is now in our respective hands. We need to start as a matter of urgency, replace the Imperialist administrative structure inherited by our founding fathers from the colonialist which has thus far been recreated and promoted by some us here in foreign land. Which is described as Dichotomy: Imo/Anambra dichotomy, Hausa/Yoruba dichotomy, Christian/Muslim dichotomy, Military/Civilian dichotomy, Majority/Minority, Rich/Poor dichotomy, Male/Female dichotomy, Young/Old dichotomy, to mention a few. And from which ever perspective you look at Nigeria, this is what stares you at the face. This dichotomy has become a menace that characterizes our biggest National challenge and deters National growth. And by this dichotomy, none of us have been able to capture a bigger picture of Nigeria as a sovereign Nation, rather than as a mere regional formation.

We should begin to uplift our political commitments above the ancestral political jingoism. That way, we will learn to still see and accept those who do not share our political ideologies and sentiments as enemies, but as friends with different political views. We can start this process here. For example, let us start today to talk more positive things about Nigeria and about ourselves. We can condemn our system of government and our leaders for their political failures but let us not dwell in painting ourselves blacker than we are. Let us be our brother’s keeper and desist from back-biting one another or talk ill of one another. This I believe will terminate the ancient political deadlock embedded along party, tribal and religious lines

It is about time that we Nigerians aligned with John F. Kennedy’s statement during his inaugural address on January 20th 1961: “Ask not what your Country can do for you, ask what you can do for your Country. By so doing, we will fortify our once existing unity and with a common sense of purpose; rediscover the virtues of hard work, patriotism, personal responsibility, optimism and faith. Let us draw a clear margin between the Nigeria we have and the Nigeria we desperately need. Let us as true patriots see through the tiniest hole, an enlarged picture of a United States of Nigeria, the picture of a glorious nation where men and women alike are not judged by tribe, religion or geographical placement, but in Martin Luther King’s word: …by the content of their characters.

At this crucial moment of National re-birth. Let the Nigerians in diaspora be ready to contribute to the nation building. Those who have expertise in different fields must be ready to go home and help rebuild our nation. We must begin to demand transparency, question our democracy. We must bring with us the refined democracy we enjoyed here in foreign land to our people at home. Now is the time, we must be bold enough to say that no matter what, Nigeria is my country and that, every government policies affects me directly and that, if my voice must be heard, then I need to invest my input into governance. Let us bear in mind that, in spite of the fact that we have been nourished by a generation of broken promises, we can still be able to cultivate a tradition based on the simple principle that, we have stake on one another, if National Interest is still seen as a tool for a meaningful National development. Then we must not rest in our oars to fight for what we believe in.

As Nigerians in Diaspora, It is time we should see ourselves as political architects that would rather build into our National future than political archeologist that will concentrate on digging from the relics of our past political failures. More importantly, We should also see Nation building as an opportunity of a lifetime given to us to discharge our obligations to a beloved Country. Mindful of our enormous challenges as a Nation, we still have the faith that we shall get to the Promised Land someday. Let us in the face of trouble share president Obama’s conviction that, “I have no doubt that in the face of impossible odds, people who love their Country can change it. Let us convince ourselves that, if at this trying time in our history, we will collectively starve our doubts of a new Nigeria to death and regroup with a renewed mind-set of rediscovering, recreating, redefining and rebranding Nigeria, then we can boldly explore a new National creed in obama’s slogan: ‘Yes we can’.

Thank you. God bless you. And God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

About Post Author

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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Anthony-Claret Onwutalobi

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Read Time:6 Minute, 36 Second

Anthony-Claret Onwutalobi, a Nigerian activist, educator, and blogger, was born in Nnewi, in the heart of southeastern Nigeria, but grew up in Ihiala and Lagos state. When Anthony-Claret was growing up, there weren’t many well-known African male role models, but that didn’t stop him from achieving his dreams. He was particularly interested in computer science and business management. Fortunately, his parents encouraged his interests.

That encouragement drove him to excel. He graduated from high school at 16! Then he earned degrees in Computer Science and Software Engineering at INTI University College and the University of Wollongong Australia. Later, he graduated from the following universities: the University of Helsinki, Metropolia University of Applied Science and Lahti University of Applied Science. No challenge was too great for Claret to take on.

Anthony-Claret is widely known among his counterparts for his breadth of outlook, liberal views and marked sympathy for African aspirations. People, who knew him intimately, described him as “a hard-headed Africa man who sees straight into the heart of things, and never hesitate to express himself with the bluntness in which an African man never fails if he works hard.”

While in secondary school, he was active in events and activities such as the creative Circle Club, Religious societies, and Cercle de Francais French Club, all while maintaining good grades. Despite a rigorous academic schedule at the University of Wollongong, Australia’s Sarawak Campus, he regularly participates in extracurricular activities organized by the various international student Associations. He was instrumental in establishing the African students in 2003 and was elected secretary of the Association for the 2003 academic year. He received the Best Service Award for his outstanding community service.

Claret has been extensively involved in student politics at both school and university. He has held leadership positions in a number of organizations. He was elected the president of the Association; hitherto, he displayed admirable leadership skills, which have contributed to the smooth running of the African Students Association.
Mr Claret has organized a host of cultural and charity events. He fought for the rights of African citizens in Diaspora. His zeal for helping the underprivileged is commendable. As the president of the African student Society, he organised the first African convention Malaysia chapter to discuss issues facing Africans today and is currently the President of an organization that is in the process of renewing the African image and restoring black pride in the world.

He has also dedicated himself to raising the profile of young African men and women in universities, and through his participation in tutoring programmes and seminars in schools and universities, he is actively supporting the future prominence of youths involved in society and youth empowerment programmes in Africa and beyond.

Claret has excelled academically throughout his university career, receiving numerous academic and leadership awards in recognition of his academic achievements. He became interested in philosophy during his secondary school studies, particularly the development of emergent philosophies. He also keeps up with research on the impact of information technology on human interaction in the global marketplace. True to his interests, he enrolled in the University of Wollongong Sarawak Campus in both liberal arts and computer sciences. Anthony-claret is a software engineer who graduated with first-class honours in Computer Science and Software Engineering from the University of Wollongong in Australia. Anthony-Claret worked for INTI University, Sarawak for two years as an education counsellor and later marketing executive. He was involved in Youth social upliftment projects both within his university as a counsellor, and in the broader community through programmes dealing with HIV/AIDS and the Youth Awareness programmes. He has travelled to different Universities and schools in Nigeria and other African countries to conduct seminars on the globalization of Education and YOUTH AND EDUCATION: TRENDS AND CHALLENGES.

Claret is an education activist. His background and early experience played a significant role in his life. He has been extensively involved in youth development and social activism programmes. He is a facilitator in the fields of participatory development, gender equality, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights and the Environment. His passion for IT is clear, as his intention is to use his experience and knowledge in the field to lessen the socio-economic class divide in Africa. He is a motivational speaker with a good sense of humour.

He has authored prominent articles on African issues. Likewise, he is also a writer of everything from children’s books to satirical columns and articles. Not only that, but he was the Director of Publications for Mind Opener Magazine

Anthony-Claret founded a Codewit Global Network. His works have led him increasingly to the conviction that the solution to the African problems must be solved by Africans themselves. This idea has led to a development of philosophical thought attributed to him called “Codewism”, where he clarified that the solution to African problems lies in eight key principles.

As a pragmatist, Anthony-Claret offers an integrated and resourced based approach and teaches that youth capacity development and empowerment can help our young people to be engaged in the community. Such an effort, Claret believes, would have gone far to arrest the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemic that continues to cut a fatal, but largely preventable swathe through a whole cohort of youth in Africa and across the world.

Over the past few years, Mr Anthony-Claret has done much to promote the spirit of multiculturalism among the diverse international populace. He is committed to using his knowledge to find a way to improve the socio-economic conditions of people living in Africa.
Today he encourages young people, especially African youths, that it is important to study African history in order to know who they are, where they are coming from and where they want to be.

Through his Codewit Global Network brand, he constantly and creatively challenges his audience to rise up and make a positive difference and change. His ever-confident “Yes I can!” attitude inspires others to stand up and be counted for what they believe in.
Mr Claret continued his post-graduate and doctoral education at the University of Helsinki, Finland ” Recently, He was nominated in Marquis Who’s Who, as a candidate for inclusion in the 2010 edition of Who’s who in the world, scheduled to be published in November 2009 in recognition of his achievement.

In writing about his vision for the future, Claret notes:

My vision for Africa is a continent that will give birth to leaders of character and consequence. Men and women of principle, will stand firm on the shoulders of past and present great leaders committed to making Africa a great continent where peace, justice, and equal opportunity prevail.

Famous Quotes

“Education is the power to think clearly, the power to act well in the world’s work, and the power to appreciate life.”

Major Accomplishments

It would be almost an impossible task to list all of Claret’s major life accomplishments. However, this author believes it is worth mentioning the following in the hopes that they will highlight the career of a man who truly changed the lives of most of the Africans in the Diaspora.

-> Nominated for the 27th edition of Who’s who in the world
-> Graduated with First Class honour (BSc) University of Wollongong, Australia
-> President of African Students Association 2004 – 2006
-> Chairman and Organizer of First African Convention in Malaysia
-> Director of publication of (Mind Opener magazine)
-> President of International Students Association (2003 -2004)

-> Founder and Coordinator of Codewit Global Network


  1. Maiden Edition Mind Opener Magazine 2005,
  2. Sarawak Can learn from Africans, Date accessed 12/10/08
  3. African Convention in Malaysia
  4. Onwutalobi A-C, Codewism Philosophy, http://wwwcodewit/codewism-philosophy.html,Date accessed 15/06/08

About Post Author

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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