One of our members is writing a book and need help from our visitors.
He is looking for true stories on Places and Peoples of Africa It is meant as a compilation of inside knowledge and positive experience detailing how you got through your excursions, holidays or trips through the continent step-by-step. Beautiful and amazing photos of outdoors, kids, places, events, the folk-life, city life, poetry and drama compilations (on or about Africa) are welcome.
The book is an opportunity to express a passion by everyone who lives in, comes from, or have journeyed to Africa. I am keen to read the account of those who have passed through or visited the continent on a leisure trip and still haven regretted the adventure!
How did you do it?
How could I possibly do it too?
As a token of gratitude, he will be sending a copy of my compilation to every contributor to my book. Kindly include your name, email address and contact details on the submission. Submissions should be sent to me via email at: or by post to: P. O. Box 45566 London NW1 9WQ, United Kingdom.
Thank you.
+44 (0)20 8525 0924
+44 (0)79 504 712 69
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