The Effects of an Absent Father by Pete Needham

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The Effects of an Absent FatherThis series of articles on absent fathers is not designed to bash dads or moms. It’s meant to be a learning tool to offer awareness for parents. We will take a close look at the effects of an absent father. And for moms, we will look at the challenges and frustrations to put differences aside, so that the needs of the child can be met. In the end, both parents need to come together to solve the disappointments.

Some of the most damaging affects of neglect in a child’s life come from a detached father. The lack of interest, involvement and the reality of not being available is a major problem with children today. This form of detachment can move from a problem level to a crisis level.

There can be many reasons given for the inactiveness. Marriage break-ups, lifestyles, financial hardship, more than one child, mental health issues, selfishness, parenting skills are lacking, behaviours etc. All are common excuses and may be accurate in some way but will not hold much weight because the affects on the child are still pronounced.

Let’s look at the effects of a detached, inactive and uninvolved Dad.

The effects of detachment
When a father is not present, the child can respond with frustration, hurt, blame, anger, loneliness, resentment, bitterness and even rage.

A decrease in self-esteem can form indifference and may develop a sense of low self-worth that may create a need for false masks.

Academic achieve will most likely suffer, they make poor choices for friends and become isolated. At a basic level the parent (dad) is responsible for the child’s isolation because he is not there to affirm. Dads are the glue that keep everything together.

There may be deeper problems with the child, like not being able to bond well with others. This can actually add to further detachments from the parent. They may begin to resent both parents now (not just Dad) because their sense of security has been compromised.

Later on there may be alcohol and drug issues and acting out sexually. At this point they are often attempting to punish their parents by sabotaging themselves.

They will wall off from outside pressures and build their own fortress. The amazing thing about walls, once you build it nothing can get in, but the nothing can get out either.

Finally all these emotional symptoms that the child often lead to an increased risk of physical health problems.

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

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Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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