Lloyd, Wanjoku, Nyeche, Halliday, Apia, Inimgba, 26 Other APC Candidates Set to Sweep Rivers Assembly Polls

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All Progressives Congress (APC) candidates are set to sweep the Rivers State House of Assembly polls come this Saturday, April 11, 2015. This is due to the party’s track record of performance as well as the track record of excellence of the 31 candidates which Rivers APC will be unleashing on the embattled Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and other parties enlisted for the elections.

Leading the crack team of APC candidates for the polls are tested hands like Honourables Chidi Lloyd, Azubuike Wanjoku, Victor N. Nyeche, Henry Halliday, Irene M. Inimgba and Barr. Eric Apia. With these political warriors being marshaled into the electoral battle by APC, PDP surely stands no chance on Saturday.

Below is the brief profile of each of the 31 APC House of Assembly candidates:

Hon. Lloyd Chidi Julius

Hon. Lloyd Chidi Julius, the Majority Leader of the outgoing Rivers State House of Assembly. He is an accomplished lawmaker after being trained as a lawyer and has served in the two previous Assemblies. His ability to ensure the sanctity and unity of the members of the House is infectious. He was one of the tools that frustrated the plot of five lawless and misguided members led by one Mr. Evans B. Bipi to impeach the outgoing Speaker, Rt. Hon. Amachree Otelemaba D., in a House of 31 Lawmakers. These undemocratic five leprous lawmakers had planned that after impeaching the Speaker the Governor, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, would be impeached to pave the way for the promotion of Engr. Tele Ikuru, the disloyal Deputy Governor, to the office of the Governor of Rivers State. After the frustration of the plot, Ikuru recently took his exit from APC to join the losing party, PDP.

Acknowledging the great role Hon. Lloyd played in sustaining democracy in Rivers State, Her Excellency, Dame Judith Amaechi, the wife of the Governor of Rivers State, while addressing the Ikwerre people during a rally stated and I quote: “That we are still existing as politicians in Rivers State is due to the singular bravery of this lion of democracy whom the Holy Spirit used to thwart the evil plots by some demented fellows to derail our democracy and sack most of us from government.”
Emohua is a lucky Constituency to have such a refined politician representing her in the House. Surely, the democracy-loving people of Emohua owe a lot this man and getting him back to the House after three tenures is a task that must be accomplished by well meaning people of the State.  

Hon. Wanjoku Chikere Azubuike

Hon. Wanjoku Chikere Azubuike is a fearless and upright politician who sees life as one of mere service to humanity and God. He is the President General of Ikwerre Youth Movement and member of the Rivers State House of Assembly representing the Ikwerre Constituency. To most of the politicians in Rivers State, he is better known as a General. He has seen a lot of political battles and in all he has won.

To Wanjoku, the 2015 polls in Rivers State is a contest between darkness and light, between Christianity and occultism and he expects the electorate to choose light as represented by APC and her candidates. Speaking recently at a praise, prayer and worship conference organised by Ikwerre Youth Movement and Ikwerre Women Forum in honour of all the APC candidates led by governorship candidate, Dr. Dakuku Peterside, Wanjoku decried the intimidation and senseless killing of APC members in the State.

According to this fearless politician, “We are here because God is on our side. We will not vote for a man without religion. And we must inform the world that the battle in Rivers State is between Christianity and occultism but we shall be vindicated because we are children of God.

“Many of you know that Nyesome Wike is my in-law but he is not fit to be a governor. He formed Grassroots Development Initiative (GDI), which means Go and Destroy Ikwerre. We are praying here today because PDP has increased killings in Rivers State and we are asking God to liberate us from this power of darkness. And in Jesus name, we will overcome. In this battle, Peterside is on the side of God while Wike is on the side of the devil. Surely, God will win.”

At that memorable worship session held at IYM International Secretariat, Alimini, Isiokpo, Wanjoku described Wike as a traitor who has chosen to bring death and destruction to his own people instead of development and progress. He called on Ikwerre people to reject PDP and their candidates because like Wike, they represent darkness and death, adding that Christians cannot afford to mortgage their freedom of worship and association for anything, warning that everybody must be vigilant and vote for APC, which is freedom.

This is the man that APC is presenting to once again represent the Ikwerre Constituency in the incoming State House of Assembly. To say that he deserves to be returned to the House to continue his good work, is to state the obvious.

Hon. Victoria Wobo Nyeche

Hon. Victor Wobo Nyeche, representing Port Harcourt 1 Constituency, is another round peg in a round hole. She is a distinguished female lawmaker in Rivers State House of Assembly and the Flag-bearer of APC for the PHALGA Constituency 1 race and with her philanthropic activities and her humility and popularity she has no opposition in the caliber of candidates fielded in by PDP and other political parties. This graduate of University of Port Harcourt is so much loved with her representation by the Port Harcourt people that her candidature is one of the best fielded by APC. Her popularity was demonstrated during the APC Primaries where she pulled 122 votes out of 124 votes cast. She has both experience and with her popularity surely she will be celebrated after the April 11th polls! She well deserves to be returned to the House to continue with his good work.

Hon. Irene M Inimgba

Hon. irene M Inimgba is a beauty to behold is one of the names that rings bell, not just in Rivers State House of Assembly but also in Rivers State politics. She is currently the Deputy Chief Whip of the Rivers State House of Assembly and has being a member of the House from 2007 till date. Rivers state Public relations Officer for National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwife from 2003 till date. A notable politician of repute in Rivers State, an Amazon and a woman of substance, fearless with intimidating resume is the APC's candidate for PHALGA 2 constituency.

Hon. irene M Inimgba a graduate of University of Port Harcourt and a trained Nurse who has bagged several awards in her professional career. A great supporter and follower of the politics of Governor Amaechi and was one of the forces that shot down the impeachment ploy by PDP against the Speaker, Rt Hon Amachree.  She demonstrated her popularity during the APC Primaries by pulling 204 votes to win PHALGA 2 Constituency ticket to return to the Rivers State House of Assembly. That she will win the April 11th polls is a struggle already in her kitty if merit is to serve as a criteria in determining those who should be in the State of Assembly.

Barr Eric Apiah

Barr. Eric Apiah graduated from Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt in 1992, went to Law school and was called to Bar in 1993. He has  held several positions: Member Presidential Visitation Panel, University of Maduiguri,1999: Member, Board of Nigerian Technical Aids Corp, 2000: Chairman, Poverty Eradication Programme Rivers State. NAPEP2003: Chairman, Caretaker Committee Ahoada East, 2008. Board member, Rivers State Road Traffic Authority, 2009: Secretary, Rivers State Emergency Management Committee, 2011. Member, Board of Oil and Gas Free Zone Authority, Onne, 2013. This man who has redefined service is the APC worthy candidate for Ahoada East 1 Constituency in the next State Assembly. He has represented APC in various legal battles and a worthy representative of the party in the April 11th polls. 

Hon Henry Haiilday

Hon Henry Haiilday a Master Degree Holder in International Relations from University of Port Harcourt and a one-time CTC Chairman of Bonny Local Government. He was adjudged as the most outstanding Chairman amongst his colleagues then. A workaholic, unassuming personality, a seasoned Administrator whose strongest point is his humility and commitment to any assignment he is saddled with. A great disciple of the politics of Governor Amaechi and currently the Chief of Protocol (COP) to Rivers State Government and the APC candidate to represent Bonny Constituency in the April 11 polls. If merit is to be considered in this election then Hon Henry Halliday is already a member of the incoming Rivers State House of Assembly.

The remaining twenty five candidates are as follows –

6. Hon David Allen Aki to represent Abua/Odual Constituency

7.  Hon Nwuche N. Ibiso to represent Ahaoda East 2  Constituency

8. Hon Dr. Chigbo Sam Eligwe to represent Ahoada West Constituency

9. Engr Inye jack to represent Akuku-Toru 1 Constituency

10. Hon Barr Benibo Anabraba Fredrick to represent Akuku-Toru 2 Constituency

11. Dr Robinson Dressman to represent Andoni Constituency

12. Hon Barango Tariah to represent Asari -Toru 1 Constituency

13. Hon Godstime B Horsfall  to represent Asari -Toru 2 Constituency

14. Hon Henry Haiilday to represent Bonny Constituency

15. Hon Eldered T. L. B to represent Degema Constituency

16. Hon Josiah John Olu to represent Elema Constituency

17. Engr victor Amadi to represent Etche 1 Constituency

18. Hon Golden Ngozi Chioma to represent Etche 2 Constituency

19. Hon Dr Innocent Banike to represent Gokaha Constituency

20. Hon Logbosi Nwidadah to represent khana 1 Constituency

21.Hon Friday Nke-EE to represent khana 2 Constituency

22 Hon Collins Ordu to represent Obio-Akpor 1 Constituency

23. Hon Belief Wali to represent Obio/Akpor 2 Constituency

24. Hon Gift Wokocha to represent Ogba/Egebema/Adoni 1 Constituency

25. Hon Vincent Ogbuagu to represent Ogba/Egebema/Adoni 2 Constituency

26. Hon Enos Williams S. to represent Ogu/Bola Constituency

27. Hon. Belema Okpokiri to represent Okirika Constituency

28 Hon Leo Anyanwu to represent Omuma Constituency

29. Hon Andrew A Miller to represent Opobo/Nkoro Constituency

30. Hon Chima N Nnokam to represent PHALGA Constituency

31. Hon Dike Mathew N to represent Tai Constituency

Eze Chukwuemeka Eze is a Media Consultant based in Port Harcourt


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