Close Down The Nigerian Embassy In Sweden And Stop Wasting Our Nigerian Resources

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On behalf of honorable Nigerians in Finland and Scandinavian at large, we call on the Nigerian Government to close down the Embassy of Nigeria in Sweden and use the money for other efficient service.

An Embassy that cannot provide a simple passport re-issuance service to its citizens abroad is simply worthless and should be shutdown.
It started in January when the embassy visited Finland for a passport exercise they claimed will be with a month. After a 100euros payment of passport fee which was more than the normal official fee ,We are yet to receive any information from the embassy regarding our new passports.

Several call and email messages have confirmed that the embassy is not capable of attending to the needs of its citizen not to talk of welcoming Nordic investors to invest in Nigeria. With their very poor customer’s service down to their long call waiting time, any prospective Nordic investor would look another way.

A potential investor was some few months ago discouraged about investing in Nigeria because of the snail process of acquiring quality information from the embassy. Different staffs at the embassy have different complicating stories to tell about a simple enquiry making it extremely difficult to rely on the embassy’s information for investment and tourism. The embassy has made it impossible for many Nigerians with passport renewal issue get stocked in the Nordics as a valid passport is a primary requirement to travel out of the country. Some Nigerians are beginning to look other directions to seek new nationality because they believe their home country Nigerian have deserted them in times of need. Some Nigerians in Finland have lost their job because they couldn’t provide a valid passport for the renewal of their work permit. How then do we remit money to our motherland Nigerian if we are not able to work because of the inefficient service of the Nigerian embassy in Sweden?

According to a Nigerian who has been nicknamed “the Finland passport man” by the reception at the embassy, “I spoke with the Ambassador himself, a few times before I contacted the Chief of the Passports Office at Abuja who told the truth that NO ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN REGARDING OUR APLICATIONS/PASSPORTS YET.”

Although he ordered them to start the processing, the team leader remains incorrigible of his nonchalant attitude. Absolutely inexplicable!
People who applied for their passport two years ago through the embassy are yet to receive their passport with the excuse that the passport personnel’s didn’t capture their photos correctly. Those that applied in January 2013 are yet to receive their passport for no reason. One must ask if this passport and embassy personnel’s are trained to do their jobs or are they some of those political followers that got compensated with a job position as this is a norm in Nigeria.

Political corruption and negligence has affected Nigerians abroad and we are wondering how then do we become a patriotic Nigerian if Our Nigerian cannot meet our simple basic needs home and abroad.

Nestyy Felix

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

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Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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