I honestly do not think Mr Peter Obi has to win the 2023 presidential election to prove anything to anybody because he has won already. Those making their comments and analysis on the basis of who will be sworn in as President in 2023 actually don’t get it: Mr Obi has won the election in the minds of millions of young Nigerians, whose future you seek to manage.
Given the obtuse geopolitical configuration of Nigeria, it will be near impossible for Obi to win the plurality of votes even if all the enlightened young people (who constitute the bulk of his support base) vote for him. We know where the deciding votes will come from, and it is sad for me to admit that in those places there ain’t enough enlightened youths that can reason about the present and future of the country without being remotely controlled by same politicians who have conspired to steal their present and future without blinking an eye.
Those youths whose future Mazi Peter Obi is worried about have either been deliberately denied the emancipation that comes with a good education or pauperized to the extent of accepting today’s meal in exchange for supporting the “old and decaying” politicians of yesterday, (apologies to Tunde Bakare), who clearly intend to continue to eat their future.
Whether you like Mr Obi or not, you must accept that his brand of politics has won the hearts of the hitherto dormant youths. He has introduced millions of them into the electoral mix the same way Obama did in USA even as a disadvantaged minority. Unfortunately, Nigeria is not the USA and the old order will still conspire to have its way at the end of the day.
The problem I see in the future is that while Obi might likely not benefit from his efforts, unlike Obama, he is about to unleash something that will ultimately take down the old order. With millions of those PVCs in the hands of those young people and armed with a youthful energy that can disrupt at any time, I pity whoever wins the 2023 presidential election. He will certainly be at the mercy of Peter Obi’s army of angry liberated youths. It’s only a matter of time before they take everything down their own way.
As a pragmatist, I pray that when the electoral conspiracy of the old manifests, it will be Atiku Abubakar that will benefit. He is obviously the lesser evil to afflict Nigeria at this time. The other option is too scary to imagine given where we are today as a nation.
One thing is certain, only those old politicians that understand the youths will survive the coming political conflagration across the nation. In case you don’t know, a politician in his 70s can still be seen as a “youth” whereas a 35-year-old politician will be seen as an aged and decaying fellow. It is all about how you connect with the critical youth demography.
Bring on the youthful energy that is behind the Obi movement…
onye gba oso…
-Nwandugbom is resting. Please, do not disturb him
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