An Open Notice To Cease And Desist To The CEO Of Google

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Read Time:1 Minute, 46 Second

Dear CEO:

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned E-mail has been blocked twice by your company for [no] apparent reason [,] except for tampering and spying which misconduct is [not] acceptable [.] The first time occurred on Thursday, (August 20, 2015 at 3:07 P.M.) and it was activated the same day (“Thu 8/20/15 6:34 PM”) according to your company’s apology message. The second time was blocked on Thursday, (October 15, 2015 at 2:57 P.M.) Then it was reactivated approximately at 4:27 P.M on the same day. They even went far as attempting today, Friday, (October 16, 2015 at 1:11 P.M.) to tamper with the sending emails and threaten the same meddling conduct for the “Third” time in [a] row [.]

The frivolous accusation that the account exceeded the “limits of emails” or “suspicious activities noted on the account” does [not] exist –––– [T]he fact that the immoral, corrupt and strayed U.S. Government does [not] agree with the strong criticism and scandalous language or the unpleasant message delivered to the outside world, does [not] render the account to exceed any limits nor make it suspicious. Nor does it give the strayed Government or Google [t]he right to [spy] on his email account wherein [no] way the underlying email account could possibly reach even the quarter of 2000 limits permitted emails per day [.] [A]bsent any criminal activity [,] the [only] available option for the U.S. Government to choose [is] to slam it[s] head into [t]he wall –––– and it still [h]as two wide ocean[s] to drink from whenever [s]he feel[s] thirsty for its notable wrongdoing [.]

Google [must] cease and desist [at] once all of it[s] illegal ethnic, racial and religious discriminatory action and conduct [.] Please [be] mindful and advise[d] that [i]f the unlawful intervening [spying] practice on behalf of [t]he U.S. Government continue[s], the district court [must] settle [t]he dispute in this matter [.] Please be guided accordingly [.]

Thanking you for your attention and cooperation in this regard, I remain,


/s/ Assem A. Abulkhair

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