Interview : Uti Nwachukwu in his own words

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utiUti, what were your parents reactions when you were initially nominated?
They were happy for me, my mother was saying my son you are a blessed child we will pray for you, and you will go and win. My mum was screaming and they were just laughing, they were saying don’t worry you will go and show them there, our prayers are with you and we give you our full support. They would have actually come to South Africa, but I didn’t want to stress them traveling from Delta State to Lagos, then South Africa. They gave me their full support and they were behind me one hundred percent.
How emotionally prepared were you for the house?
I was emotionally prepared. I never really gave much chance for relationship because what we were involved in is a game and there are some decisions you will need to make with your head and not your heart.
How did you feel when you were evicted from the house?
I felt more relief than sorry when I was evicted because the house was becoming boring and I started asking myself if I could stay till November. However, I was prepared for the worst that could happen. If I stayed till the end fine and if not, so be it.
What would you describe as your most humorous moment in the house?
My humorous experience in the house; let’s see, where will I start from now? They are so many if I start talking now; they were in my highlight, in the interview I did after the eviction. I talked about my humorous experiences there.
Amongst the ladies in the house, who were you really attracted to?
I was attracted to Lucille.
But Sheila was all over you in the house; didn’t you get attracted to her?
I just liked Sheila, because she was opinionated, which I am too. She was always chatty and had a ready opinion on every issue. However, had I stayed in the house longer, may be the feelings would have grown but she was just a friend.
If you had the opportunity to go back into the house what would you want to do again?
I would go back and terrorize everybody in the house; I would even try to exaggerate my personality.


Who do you tip to win the Big Brother Africa 3?
That would be Rico, he is young, vibrant and crazy and he can do anything. So, I will give it to Rico.

What would you say made this edition of Big Brother Africa Unique?
This edition is the most competitive and most unpredictable reality show that has ever been seen. It’s so unpredictable that you can’t be too sure of who would win.
How would you say this experience has influenced you?
It has influenced me positively and even when I was chosen, I said even if I don’t win at least I will go to South Africa. For me it was an opportunity to blend with Africans, you know this Pan African experience
Big Brother Africa is a winner takes all contest, what do you stand to get after being evicted?
What we are getting has not been disclosed yet. However, you don’t go home empty handed. We don’t know if it’s monetary or what ever but you definitely don’t leave the show empty handed.
Let’s go personal now, who is Uti?
That’s a difficult one. I find it difficult to describe my self, but I think Uti is every thing you saw there. I am fun to be with, I am down to earth, I love to laugh at people because I love to laugh at myself, I am an entertainer, actor, model, musician, student, I am open to new experiences, am a very caring person, I feel for people a lot, I am open minded, I am just a free thinker, I am easy to get along with if you are open minded too but you find it very difficult to relate with me if you keep things in your mind. Generally, I am just a free, loving nice guy.
Where is Uti from?
I am from Aboh Ndukwa East Local Government Area Delta State, I am a student of Benson Idahosa University, studying Computer Science Education and I will be graduating July next year.
Are you fashion conscious?
I am not fashion conscious, but let me not lie, I am a Leo so, definitely I have to be fashion conscious, I have to take good care of my looks.
Why do you wear your hair like this?
Like I said, I am a Leo, I am a fashionable guy, I love to try new looks and you know I have a kind of soft and calm look and I think when you look like this you are able to get away with a lot of things. I found out that when I cut my hair and I am clean shaven I look too ordinary too young and very vulnerable. I am an in your face kind of person, I like to attract people’s attention by looking out of the ordinary. I am a Leo and may be that’s why I like to keep my mien, my hair, I just like to strike people’s attention because even if you don’t want to notice me, with the hair you just say

Do you have a girl friend in Nigeria right now?
No, I am single I made sure I stayed single before entering the Big Brother House
Now that Big Brother 3 has ended for you, what next?
I am still in school like I said earlier, I intend going back to school and graduating in July next year. I am also looking at doing some humanitarian works. I wouldn’t mind working with some non governmental agencies that work on eradicating one disease or the other.
Any plans for the movies?
Yes, I have already started; when I was evicted, some people were shooting a film in South Africa, and they invited me to do something. So, I collected the script and did a ten minute cameo.
Your eviction would have definitely affected your relationship with Lucille and Sheila or do you intend pursuing the relationship?
We didn’t even start any relationship. I was close to Lucille before she was evicted and like I said if I had stayed longer something stronger might have happened with Sheila, but I am in Nigeria and they are in their countries; and I don’t believe in long distance relationships. As for relationship proper may be something may happen after the show, I don’t know
Do you have any regrets about being evicted from the house?
No, because I left at my peak, it’s good to leave at your peak than you just staying there and people getting tired of you and at the end of the day you lose. I was reading an article about myself in South Africa. It said I was the most vocal and most entertaining Big Brother Africa house mate, and that’s a plus already. I am the most vocal and entertaining house mate in the history of Big Brother.
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