Nigeria: Jonathan should step on toes’

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Former Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate for Lagos Central Senetorial District, Chief Adesunbo Onitiri has said that for President Goodluck Jonathan to achieve the change that Nigerians are yearning for, he must be ready not just to step on toes but to step on heads, if possible.

Onitiri, a National Democrats Coalition (NADECO) chieftain who was in the forefront of the fight for the restoration of the June12 mandate, challenged President Jonathan to flush out corruption in the Nigerian system.

He who spoke with MONICA IHEAKAM on some political issues as it affects the growth of democracy in the country. He observed that Nigeria can only enjoy democracy if true democrats who are focused about service to the people take over governance.

June 12 and democracy in Nigeria
June 12 will never die unless poverty is eradicated in this country because it is phenomenal. It stands for good governance, transperancy and democratic principles. It cuts across various political parties and has also unified the country because poverty has no religion or tribe.
We are becoming a laughing stock to developed nations of the world, 75% of the masses in this country are below the earning power of $1 per day.

I believe very much in the agitation for June 12 to be made our democracy day, rather than May29 because it has become a national symbol of patrotism. Every Nigerian should observe it, as the true democracy day in the country because it gave birth to what we are enjoying today.

Corruption among politicians
It is unfortunate that the enemies of democracy have hijacked it. What we have now is military democracy because they have removed their Khaki and are now wearing Agbada to continue to loot and steal from the treasury of this country.

When Zik and Awolowo were fighting for Nigeria, they did not envisage this kind of hypocrites.
The key words in our politics is money, money, money. These incentives should be removed from our politics, infact, a special court should be set up for corrupt politicians. Past governors and politicians found guilty of corruption should be jailed to serve as deterrent to others.
I am in the ruling party PDP but I am against certain people in the party and if PDP is not careful, they would lose out in 2015

Immunity clause should be removed for all governors, let it be for only the President and the Vice President.
I will continue to fight for corruption eradication until I die.

Task ahead of Jonathan
Jonathan has a large heart and good focus but he should run away from the Military dictators who are hanging around him.

He should not be afraid to step on toes, rather he should strive to step on heads so that people would understand that corruption is bad. In the past Ghana was experiencing the same kind of dilemma that Nigeria is facing , but when Jerry Lawrence came in heads rolled and Ghana was cleansed of the corruption scourge.
President Jonathan needs political courage because some of our leaders are cowards. He should be bold in steering the affairs of this country by plugging all the loope holes in the public service because he has the support of Nigerians who are ready to support him.

Let him peg the National Assembly salaries and other allowances so that we would have enough money to fix power, schools, healthcare system and other sectors.
All the governors and Mr. President himself should render good service and make the people of this country their central focus.

Let there be an adoption of strategies and methods that would benefit every tribe. Everybody should have a sense of belonging in the country which is a unifying factor that should not be overlooked.

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

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Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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