DANA Airline crash: Ground victims protest over non-payment of compensation

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Lagos (Codewit.com )– Some residents of Lagos State whose property and buildings were affected by the June 3, 2012 DANA Airline crash, on Wednesday embarked on a peaceful protest over non-payment of compensation.

The protesters were seen as early as 8.00 a.m. around some streets in Ikeja such as Allen Avenue/Opebi road causing gridlock.

The protesters were carrying placards with various inscription reading: “Dana is yet to pay a dime for property destroyed“; “Dana is back to business but we are still out of business“; “the National Assembly should call Dana to order“; “the blood of the innocent souls cry for justice’’.

One of the protesters and a victim, Mr Daniel Omowunmi, told reporters that his warehouse and other property were destroyed by the crash, adding that the airline had not paid him a kobo.

He said that he lost about N500 million from his warehouse and publishing house damaged by the plane crash.

“They have not paid a dime and they are not even ready to pay. So I think I better come to their door step. I will go to court, that will be the last option.

“I will not leave any stone unturned before going to court. I will go all out after them with everything I have, “ he vowed.

Omowumi said that he had written several letters to the airline on the issue but the company was adamant.

Members of the Committee for the Defence of Human Right (CDHR) joined the protesters.

Staff of the airline locked themselves inside the building for fear of being attacked, while private security men kept watch.

Some detachments of policemen were later seen driving into the premises in their Toyota Hilux van with registration number 2388C to maintain law and order.

No official of the airline was seen to comment on the situation as at the time of filing this report. (NAN)

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Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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