Nigeria: IBB Urges Northern Govs to Revive Agriculture

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Former Military President, General Ibrahim Babangida (rtd), Monday called on northern governors to intensify efforts in reviving agriculture in the region, with a view to tackling the myriads of problems bedevilling the region.

Speaking at the inauguration of the Skill Acquisition Centre at Milgoma in Bodinga Local Government Srea of Sokoto State yesterday, Babangida said the revival of the economy of the North depends on agriculture, hence the need for the 19 governors in the North to key into agriculture to restore the lost glory of the region.

The former president said he was determined to champion the cause for the revival of agriculture in the region by prevailing on northern governors to give agriculture the consideration it deserves.

He urged other governors in the region to emulate the Sokoto State Governor, Aliyu Wamakko, by establishing skill acquisition centres where women and youths would be trained on various agricultural skills.

"I really commend Wamakko for initiating these centres where people are trained on modern farming techniques because there is nothing as profitable as  agriculture.

" So, I am calling on governors in the region to emulate what Wamakko has done. They should try to replicate these centres in their states and I believe in the long run, the desired goals would be achieved," he stressed.

According to him, doing so will go a long way in addressing the myriads of problems of poverty and unemployment bedevilling the region.

He stressed the need for state governments in the region to train and sensitise the people on the need to embrace farming activities and also endeavour to support them to turn around the economy of the region.

Babangida commended Wamakko, for executing people oriented projects in the state.
The former military president also called for support for the governor in his quest to meet the yearnings and aspirations of the people of the state.

Babangida, who spoke briefly in Hausa language, said: "Sokoto sai Alu, mu Alu mukai; meaning the people of Sokoto are solidly behind Wamakko and in Sokoto, we are all for Wamakko."

He therefore expressed gratitude to the government and people of the state for the invitation and opportunity given to him to inaugurate the projects.

In his remark, the state governor said the ultra modern villas were built and equipped with facilities to host esteemed personalities who visit the state, describing the edifice as part of the present administration's efforts to provide worthy heritage to the people.

In his remark, Wamakko said his administration established three skill acquisition centres in three senatorial districts of the state where women and youths would be trained on poultry, fish farming, animal husbandry and modern techniques of farming to improve food production.

He explained that at least 3,000 women and youth would be trained in the three centres on modern techniques of agricultural production.

Wamakko said the move was aimed at addressing rural-urban drift thereby tackling poverty, idleness and unemployment.

About Post Author

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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