The criminal monopoly power in Latvia :Fortum Jelgava

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Finnish company “Fortum” on 25.06.2011. was informed that their daughter’s company Ltd “Fortum Jelgava”, has carried out the long term criminal activities against their client Jana Smila, illegally demanding payment for not received and even impossible heating service for her apartment on Kr. Barona Street 3-31, Jelgava, Latvia. Vice President of Fortum Heat in Baltic Countries Jaakko Vähä-Piikkiö completely ignored all facts presented by Jana lawyer Aivars TÄ«rumnieks on e-mail message sent to all responsible officials of company “Fortum”.Vice President even did not react when got to know that on June 28, 2011, Jelgava Prosecutor Office opened the Criminal Case in connection with the whole set of the long term criminal offences carried out by Ltd “Fortum Jelgava”.

The heating system for this apartment was disconnected on September 26, 2002 because of apartment repair and replacement of radiators. This was done by written agreement with the management company Ltd. “Nebruk Jelgava”, and heating service supplier Ltd. “Jelgavas SiltumtÄ«kli.” Jana Smila due to unforeseen expenses could not to make the radiators replacement and repair of her apartment quickly enough, but heating supply company continued to send bills with the illegal demand to pay for not received heating service in full. Despite the fact that the disconnecting of the heating system was officially registered by both mentioned companies, the management company, criminally executing heating supplier orders, refused to conclude a management contract with the apartment owner. Everybody knows that without a contract the person is not entitled to any services related to housing maintenance, and consequently up to this very day, Jana was not able to use her apartment in the way determined by law. So, for 9 years was suspended the apartment repair and radiators replacement. In this way all these years three children family was tormented by the heat supply company using their monopoly power in Jelgava city and by all means trying to force them to pay for nothing, so executing an extortion with the number of supporting crimes.

On May 18, 2005 the corrupted court of Jelgava delivered the deliberately illegal sentence in absentia based on false accounting data, and deliberately falsified certificate of Jana place of residence , and sentenced her to pay for the not received heating service in full for the whole period from 2002. The illegal sentence was executed and money recovered by Ltd. “Nebruk Jelgava”, and transferred to the Ltd. “Fortum Jelgava” account only in October 2010.

On the year of 2008, when Ltd. “Fortum Jelgava” took over the obligations of Ltd. “Jelgavas SiltumtÄ«kli”, they continued to demand to pay for heating service in full without any legal basis. Ltd. “Fortum Jelgava”, taking over the obligations were aware about everything, but on 30.09.2009. illegally brought the case to Jelgava Court about non-existent ‘debt’ recovery from Jana Smila  repeatedly on exactly the same period from March 1, 2002 up to this very moment. We have the mass of documentary evidence that they deliberately did not allow to pay for the apartment building sharing space heating, as well as other services in order illegally to force the owner to pay a significantly higher amount of money for undeliverable service. The corrupted courts of Jelgava and Dobele did not and do not take into account any evidence and continue to keep up unlawful action, while police and prosecutor office illegally refuse to consider victim applications, notwithstanding that there are the apparent evidence on a number of criminal offenses, making an excuse that the case is running before the Court civil procedure. As it was mentioned above, due to Jana lawyer Aivars TÄ«rumnieks and her representative UÄ£is Smila activities Jelgava Prosecutor Office was forced to initiate criminal proceedings against the companies, and despite of undisputable evidence by all costs they try to terminate proceedings with the dead end. Seeing that they and corrupted law enforcement system are under high pressure from the part of Jana and her representatives, Ltd. “Fortum Jelgava” on 25.07.2011. submitted the deliberately unlawful application to Police Department of Zemgale region , unlawfully and falsely accusing them in commitment of several crimes. Initially it was not understandable why this application was taken by Police Department of Zemgale region, without passing it to Jelgava police station as it is prescribed by law, but later it became clear that the headquarter building of Police Department of Zemgale region belongs to Ltd “Fortum Jelgava”.

Due to the fact that Latvian law enforcement institutions are illegally and completely integrated into the free market economy, and that the family, during nine years, has suffered huge material and moral losses because of Ltd. “Fortum Jelgava” deliberately illegal activities, there is no other options to protect the rights of this family but just to inform the international community as well as to warn citizens of other countries to avoid to accept any services from unfair and criminal-oriented company like “Fortum”.

There is the opportunity to see the photos of the apartment on attached files in order to see how it looks like since September 26, 2002. It would be good to watch the Latvian television program “Tautas balss” on April 7, 2011, about the situation described (starting to watch from the sixth minute) follow the link – because that is the reason why due to our public activities  Dobele Judge Renate Krasovska was forced to resign from the civil proceedings on April 12, 2011.

The representative of Jana Smila lawyer Aivars TÄ«rumnieks seeing the overall criminal situation in Latvia on the year of 2002 and 2008 stood as a candidate for the position of the Chief of Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau of Latvia. With the great respect to law and honor of Police officer he guaranties that all the information provided here is the absolute truth and all statements can be covered with the evidence.

Prepared by lawyer of Jana Smila Aivars TÄ«rumnieks   (phone: +371 26010865; e-mail:

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

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Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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