Under the impression of progressive pragmatism of the new democratic regime, many issues are still lost in the scene on the way to make Nigeria a better place and a "haven" for its world class Citizens to live in. Many faithful citizens are concerned of static state of the country and their reluctance to follow the quickening pace of technological change.
Succumbing to affirmative and sweet-coated political jaundice in the so call “fair and equal” share of goods and natural endowments, almost 70% of our people are still suffering from poverty and unemployment. [1]
Many are dying due to lack of knowledge. It is very glaring that only few people are opportune to share the national cake without any remorse of conscience or ever have sense of equal justice and fairness.
This continues to build and solidify the notorious jargon that supports the trends of rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer syndrome. I want to ask a simple question to Nigeria. Which way for my people? Which way for Nigeria? Which way for our future leaders?
Which way for our youths? Which way for our visions? Can we answer this fundamental questions? With the current state of things most people are of the opinion that Nigeria may not have any radical change in the next 20 years. Let’s come to think of it, where is Nigeria now? Where does she want to be? Which shortest route is she taking to reach her destination and who is leading her to the place? These are fundamental and difficult questions. Who can answer the question?
From the world rating of poorest country, Nigeria fall within the last twenty poorest countries. Will Nigeria remain in this pot? Is she comfortable been remarked as one of the poorest countries? Are we happy noted as the third most corrupt country in the world? What is happening to Nigeria? The world-renowned Giant of Africa, Where is our Youth? Does the present government ever care about the future of her youth? Do they care about their education? Which way Nigeria? This is a constant cry for help.
Nigeria, a country with contrasting beauty and culture is fading away as the diminishing evening sun. we know that Nigeria has great potentials to succeed. She has all it takes to be like every other successful countries.
Nigeria is well endowed with huge natural resources and exotic cultural heritage. Her inspiring ability in the field of sports, brains, and initiatives has imparted the world of her potency. If she can explore her ability, the sky will be her limit.
The major problem of Nigeria is corrupt government structure, maladministration and mismanagment of her resources. This demands an outcry for help. This panorama has set us apart from the less of the world. We need a change of attitude in Nigerian political culture and a renewed form of politiking . Who has waht it takes to lead us to this new Nigeria.
Presently, Nigeria is still deficient in the social, economical, political, educational growths, which are the mainstream and the underlying principle for any developed country out there. With the present administration, we hope to see brighter future.
Finally, The government officials and Law makers should try to look around and see the people we started race with and know where they are? they should learn from the growing countries. Some of the Asian countries should be our model. most of them are third world countries like us before. Nevertheless, their present progress is magnificent. Nigeria should look at Malaysia, China, Thailand, united Emirate(Dubai) and other third world countries. Observing these mentioned countries, Nigeria can see that their government programs are designed to help their countries surmount their economic difficulties. Nigeria government and all the people concerned should develop a strategy that we facilitate the development of our country. Let us learn from our peers.
God bless Nigeria.
[1] Simulation Model for Five African Economy
[2] Economic Indicator – Nigeria
[3] Nigeria 13th poorest but 6 are among world's richest
[4] Nigeria among the poorest Country
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