Codewit has joined Nigeria’s first paid press release distribution service, HeraldNewswireNigeria.com.ng, which provides journalists, bloggers, and media outlets with the content they require while also generating revenue.
The constant decline in print media readership necessitates a novel approach to generating additional revenue. We believe that having a revenue source other than advertisements will help sustain online and print media in Nigeria, hence the need for a paid press release distribution network, according to Aniekan Okono, Business Development Head, Heraldin Service, co-founder.
Herald Newswire Distribution collaborates with Nigerian journalists, online bloggers, and media outlets. Brings a fresh perspective to newswire services and press release distribution in Nigeria. This is a departure from traditional newswire and press release distribution services, and it benefits both Nigerian journalists, online bloggers, Nigerian media outlets, and Herald Newswire Nigeria.
There is currently a cap on the number of Nigerian journalists, online bloggers, and media outlets that can participate in the first batch of this programme. Participants are chosen based on their print readership and/or online traffic.
At the moment, this is still open until sometime in February 2014. To join this first batch, Nigerian journalists, Nigeria online bloggers and Nigerian media outlets should visit www.heraldnewswirenigeria.com.ng/publishers to provide their information
About Herald Newswire Nigeria Distribution
Herald Newswire Nigeria Distribution is a product of Heraldin Service, co in Finland. Herald Newswire distribution aims to provide a cost-effective and functional distribution channel for small businesses and startups to use in their market entry or expansion programs in the Nigerian market.
About PressLodge
Codewit World News is a Nigerian online media outfit that publishes daily news on business, technology, politics, sports and other information in Nigeria
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