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Newsletter and Email Alerts

E-mail Alerts service is a free, personalized news alerting service created for you.

With Codewit’s new service, you can:
•    Sign up for Your E-mail Alerts and follow the news that matters to you.
•    Become part of a community of well-informed people.
•    Receive the Latest Job Vacancies from our pool of Employers.
•    Receive Newsletters, News Updates, Current Events & political Analysis on African
•    Get updated information on Internship, Scholarship, Grant, and Financial Aids Opportunities.
•    Get information about Studying Abroad Opportunities and Career Advice.
•    Receive Vital and invaluable information at your disposal such as Business Advice, Professional Networking etc.
•    Receive Skills training information and development through membership interaction and board discussions.
•    Get free Products, services, and Brand Marketing on the discussion board.
•    Ask questions and get answers from members all over the world.
•     Experience a new way of information sharing and retrieval.
•    Have the opportunity to purchase quality products at affordable price
•    Be able to market any product through our classified ad section
•    Access to members-only content & lots more.
•    Customize your delivery options to fit your schedule and be alerted as a story is published on Codewit.com. Receive your alerts daily or weekly.
•    Easily manage your alerts. Edit, delete, suspend or re-activate them at any time.

Register to be a member and begin customizing your e-mail alerts today!

Be the first to know with a variety of e-mail news services. Receiving breaking news alerts, delivered straight to your e-mail address. Follow the latest news on politics, technology, health or the topics that interest you most. Or stay informed on what’s coming up on your favourite Codewit TV and Headline News programs.

Codewit offers e-mail updates as numerous and diverse as your tastes. Register now and select from the various e-mails.

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