Unfortunately for “Dusty Two Sacks” he has been taken in by satirical site The Daily Currant, which specializes in these kinds of stories. Earlier they also reported on a fake Sarah Palin quote (“Native Americans Should Go Back to Nativia.”) so it is safest to take anything they write about her with a grain of salt.
The article also reported that people were making fun of the situation on Twitter by using the hashtags #palinpop and #brainfreeze. But no such thing is happening.
Unfortunately for “Dusty Two Sacks” he has been taken in by satirical site The Daily Currant, which specializes in these kinds of stories. Earlier they also reported on a fake Sarah Palin quote (“Native Americans Should Go Back to Nativia.”) so it is safest to take anything they write about her with a grain of salt.
The article also reported that people were making fun of the situation on Twitter by using the hashtags #palinpop and #brainfreeze. But no such thing is happening: