I could not be more right about President Obama

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ObamaIn his first term I did what I could campaigning for Obama as the first black president. Like every other minority in the US I had high hopes in this man. My hope started failing the moment senator Kennedy died soon after Obama's election. Immediately I knew Obama will never keep his immigration promises. This is because I saw in him the colour of black and the blood of the white Republicans. My fear highteend when Democrats lost the Massachusetts senatorial seat to a former guy porn star. It was my first prediction about Obama's administration to come true.

It was after that loss that my faith in Obama began to dwindle. He made too much promises on immigration reform. I remember having heated arguments with my friends and colleagues that the president would never fulfill his promise. I was branded as Obama hater and called names. Now and again I am right. Check history this Obama administration has the worst immigration laws.

He ascended this office through the undivided support of the Spanish and other minorities. He has fulfilled his promise to gay/lesbians. He also signed into law bestiality to please the deviant white minorities. A closer look into his administration's policy you would agree that he tends to please the white and gay minorities than the Spanish and blacks. Even the slum of Chicago his home town no project has been built to support those built by previous regimes. His home state is the most violent state in America, and has the highest number of poor black population. His first relief package was welfare for the rich which cost billions of dollars to the white rich.

On immigration Obama's administration has deported over two million people. This is a staggering figure making it the highest any US president has deported in history. When he started this exercise I raised alarm within the minority community but no one believed me. He first started it as a secret action. When he was questioned his administration came with the defense that he has to rid America of criminals to assure the citizens that criminals will not enjoy the generosity of his administration. Soon both good and the bad faced the same treatment.

It is the white community and the rednecks that insisted on this action. In 2011 over twenty thousand Spanish were being deported secretly every week. Today the number has skyrocketed yet the white majority are not satisfied. The most annoying is the insidious policy to socialize the Spanish into thinking themselves as white. The aim is to separate the Spanish which is the largest minority race in America from blacks. For the doubting Thomas just pick government official forms. Go through the section for origin. You see blacks, Asians, then white/Spanish. When this happened the blacks would be on their own. This unfortunately is Republican agenda. I have also argued that the major reason Republicans do not want many Spanish, the true owners of America was fear of loosing power to the Spanish giving the rate the Spanish reproduces while whites continue to dawn grade.

This is quite unfortunate because what Obama is doing now is a converse of why blacks vote in block for the Democrats. According to Al Sharpton in response to the question as to why blacks vote in favour of blacks when it was the Republicans that ended slavery and granted freedom to the blacks. He said yes the Republicans promised blacks a lot but the democrats delivered the promises. Now I see Obama making promises Republicans would come to deliver by so doing swing Spanish votes to the Republicans. This would be death to any black aspiring to the number one office.

This president must deliver by compensating the Spanish and other minority groups that voted for him.He cannot afford to set a dangerous precedent that would swing Spanish and minority votes to Republicans. it is obvious that without the minority votes Democrats may never be presidents in Ameri

Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

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Anthony-Claret Ifeanyi Onwutalobi

Anthony-Claret is a software Engineer, entrepreneur and the founder of Codewit INC. Mr. Claret publishes and manages the content on Codewit Word News website and associated websites. He's a writer, IT Expert, great administrator, technology enthusiast, social media lover and all around digital guy.
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