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You should fill the Codewit author membership form or
You should Send us an email at editor@codewit .com with your short autobiography and a passport size photograph
You must have submitted 10 original contents or articles that has been authenticated by our editors and have been indexed in Codewit Library with CSN code appended on the bottom of the articles.
You should have at least· High school· diploma or it’s equivalent
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Why Should I become Codewit Author or Reporter?
Becoming Codewit world News· reporter offers you the following advantages:
i. Online media are still closed to many African talents. CodewitNews publishes your opinions and views for free, which allows you to build fame as thousands of users read and react to your material.
ii. By becoming a CodewitNews reporter, your name enters the databases of search engines, which increases your chances of being spotted by commercial organizations. This means that the more articles you publish the bigger your· chances become to be noticed and eventually contacted.
iii. By contributing to CodewitNews, you share your ideas and trigger a debate, thereby receiving yourself contributions from other users with other experiences.
iv. CodewitNews often gets assignments for which we need locally based reporters. By becoming a CodewitNews reporter we get to know you and we can contact you if we have any paid assignments
All contributors to our network are by default referred to guest contributor. If you have contributed less than ten indexed articles in our network, you will be automatically referred to as contributor. However if your articles have not been documented in our library, you will still be referred as a contributor until all verification process is registered!!
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