About Codewit World News
Many in the world are heralding the dawn of an “African Millennium” culturally and politically. Africa is poised to undergo more changes and wield more influence in the world than ever before. Until now, much of what is visually documented about Africa is a view from outside, seen through eyes that are not African and, in some cases, not Africa friendly. We believe that it is only Africans that can tell their stories to the world and in that manner will gain renewed respect and authentically express their promising future. Based on this background, Codewit World News was founded. Our mission is to provide a global voice for Africans to tell their own stories to the world.
As it is said, youth are the backbone of society. This is no different in Africa. But sadly, African youth is left without a spine. In an attempt to mobilize Africans’ young minds, for them to believe and own their future not to mention pave the way for the next generation, it’s imperative, therefore, that they are exposed to an alternative media source. An information outlet designed to highlight the diabolical historical past of our colonial experience & ancestors with a vision of a New Africa. Codewit.com is the call to raise The Continent of Africa, Independent of global influences.
About Us:
Codewit World News (formerly known as Codewit Global Network from inception) was established in December 2007. The term Codewit is a terminology used by the founder to suggest a collective approach to mobilize African authors, journalists, and writers around the world to use the power of writing to help bring about change in Africa. To pursue this vision vigorously, Codewit founder, Mr Anthony Claret, sectioned the organization. Codewit Global Network becomes a non-profit organization registered in Finland. Visit Codewit Global Network -About Us and Codewit World News – the news channel.
Codewit World News is a news section of Codewit Global Network Ry. We bring you closer to what’s happening in the world. Delivering daily round-up of the latest breaking news stories, information, online news service, high-profile global cases, and Nigerian and African current stories as they unfold.
As a branch of Codewit Global Network Ry, we also use our technology in innovative ways to further social change or voice our dissent on the wide range of issues affecting Africa exercising our freedom of information and speech which is a legitimate and absolute human right.
The organization is registered in Helsinki, Finland (Regnum: 203.472) The staff headquarter is also in Helsinki, but the collaborative nature of our work means we have advisors, authors, contributors and journalists worldwide, who work with us to shape the Codewit Activities, and the Codewit News website
The Codewit World News is also an e-newspaper for Africans that discusses business, careers, education, entertainment & sports, free downloads, global news, jobs & vacancies, technology, travel & places, and many more. Codewit allows people to easily upload and share text on www.codewit.com and across the Internet through websites, mobile devices, blogs, and email. Codewit is the premier destination to read and share African stories worldwide through a Web experience.
Codewit.com is independentÂ
In Codewit World News, Visitors can share their thoughts, Post a column on whatever topic they wish. Anyone visiting our site can search for your column by performing a keyword search. If they like your column, they can then share it with their friends by posting it on their blog, Facebook or site. Writing a column is easy. First, you must create an account, and then create your column, and you can start writing your articles. You can add photos, links, videos or whatever you can think of to embellish your article.
At Codewit.com, you can voice your opinion to a never-ending audience. We provide another way for people to connect and communicate·
Everyone can read text and columns on Codewit. People can see first-hand accounts of current events, find columns about their hobbies and interests, and discover the quirky and unusual. As more people express special moments in a digital way, Codewit is empowering them to become the writers of tomorrow
Codewit brings writers and audiences closer together by enabling them to share their words. We don’t know what you want to express, or what you want to share.· We offer a way to connect with the people you care about by sharing your activities with them on the Web. More cool third-party applications built by other developers using our API can be within your reach in the near future.
Codewit has a very cute design for its homepage, which does an accurate job of describing how the site works. The site is easy to navigate and has no clutter so that users can get down to business. The search feature is great; you can easily find columns that interest you. Codewit makes sharing information easy and fun.
Member Benefits
1. Members will become part of a community of well-informed people.
2. Latest Job Vacancies and Employment Resources.
3. Receive Newsletters, News Updates, Current Events & political Analysis on African
4. Internship, Scholarship, Grant, and Financial Aids Opportunities.
5. Study Abroad Opportunities and Career Advice.
6. Vital and invaluable information at your disposal such as Business Advice, Professional Networking etc.
7. Skills sharing and development through membership interaction and board discussions.
8. Free Products, Service, and Brand Marketing on the discussion board.
9. Ask questions and get answers from members all over the world.
10. Experience a new way of information sharing and retrieval.
11. Have the opportunity to purchase quality products at affordable price
12. Be able to market any product through our classified ad section
12. Access to members-only content & lots more.
Share! Interact!! Retrieve!!! To achieve your goals.
Contact Information:
For General Enquiry: For general information, tips, ideas, etc. email:
For Articles Submission: Send articles to support @ codewit (com)
We welcome your contributions, ideas and suggestions. Come and Code (write) with us!
Our lives begin to end on the day we become silent about things that matter[as] injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere!
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