A clarion call for Nigerian Authors, writers, journalist

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Read Time:3 Minute, 48 Second
Our suffering, our pain, and our present condition in Africa are no longer news. We have prayed, cried, wished, complained, and finally we have given up to a hope; a hope which seems to be fading away in almost all corners of our rich continent. What should we do? Should we continue to hope for change to come from no where? Or should we spearhead one? Should we continue to wait for hand-out (Aid) from the western world or should we work our way up? Should we continue to sit and watch? Or should we come together for the right that belongs to us?
Marked by the urgency of the call to remake our continent, I welcome you to Codewit Global network, a movement bound together by ideology, by truth, and a coalition of our conscience. This movement is for every African who is willing to get involved for the cause of a New Africa. A new Africa championed by African citizens; a new Africa born out of a positive change. Change in our perception; change in our core values; change in who we are, and change that begins within us. The product of this change will emerge as “New Africans”, and only this New Africans can give birth to a New Africa.
We believe that for Africa to be one great continent: a place where hope abides for every one irrespective of nationality, ethnicity, class, or creed, there must be a radical change in both the rulers and the ruled. This change will start inwardly from every one, and spread out to form an Ideology that will change our entire continent. Until this happens, good governance, transparent leadership, accountability, statesmanship, and patriotism will only be a mirage.
So in Codewit Global Network, we are mobilizing authors, journalist and writers from all over the world to face this problem by using the power of our pen and support of technology. If the success of our continent is your concern, well, go to our website at Codewit.com at once and register as author to begin effecting change.
This Network is different from many others on the Net. Not only will you learn about African success story and problems. We also use this medium to share the struggle of our continent and communicate our ideology to African elites as we strongly believe that as big as our problems are that the only true solution must come from us Africans. We intend to include both the political and cultural perspectives of these great continent including the biographies of great people unnoticed by the media, but we are aware that there are good stories and worthy men and women that are not present on the site

Therefore, we need you to form a great coalition in order to solve our African problems. We undertake these activities with the goal of establishing functional literate communities in Africa to bridge the gap between poverty and prosperity.
So, hop in. Take some time to splash around and enjoy the learning materials available for you in video, audio, downloadable text and more. Don’t see something you want? You can help us to write about it or let us know and we’ll do what we can to get it here for you.

Moreover, you will also learn about practical, productive ways you can improve your life on our site. And YOU are an important part of all this. Send your feedback so you can, in turn, help others. This will give you a way to give back to the community at large and then achieve your own goals. You are going to be able to discover new knowledge, new contacts and build quality relationships as a part of this experience. You can start now to build your brand, market yourself and your ideas to the world.
The articles on Codewit are anything from 500-1,000 words in length, but don’t worry if your story is only a few hundred words. And if you have just a rough outline of an article, we’ll be happy to offer you some tips to get your piece into shape.
To submit an article, all you need to do is to register and begin sending articles If you have photos or any audio or video tapes to accompany your text, please email them to submitarticle@codewit.com

Codewit reserves the right to edit your article.

Thank you for coming over. Stay awhile and enjoy. We look forward to your comments and your articles

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